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Need to get home to California

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:32 am
by Bernard1
Hi, a friend mentioned you guys to me. I'm trying to get home back to California. I came out here in August, relapsed and have birth to my baby girl who is now CPS involved. 3 months later I'm still homeless trying to make it to every visit. It’s taken its toll on me and finally realized I need to get home and straighten up in order to get my baby back who is being transferred to California in a couple months. What I'm hoping and praying for is to find a way home now to get my start on fixing myself. If you can guide me the right direction on how to get this help I'd GREATLY APPRECIATE IT. Thank you so much.

Re: Need to get home to California

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 7:08 am
by Phyllis
We live in Monroe County, PA and need emergency rental assistance as a way to get home to California.  I'm currently out on disability and was hospitalized for most of last week.  My husband had to take FMLA time to care for our daughter, which was unpaid time off.  We're currently about a week and a half late on our rent with $1000 still owed for December.  I've contacted Salvation Army in our county as well as in California but haven't heard anything back and I'm desperate to see if there's any other organizations we can contact.  I can be reached at this email address or on my cell phone.