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Stressed as behind

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:51 am
by Greer
Hello, I am currently about two months behind on my rent due to extreme hours cutback at work. I am slowly starting to get back my hours, but now the owners of the house where I was renting a room decided to sell the house. So now I have to find money to pay them back ASAP.
I am extremely stressed out, I need help with paying my back rent. I don’t have any family members I can ask for money from or I would. I have never asked for assistance in the past, I really hope theirs something you can do to help me out. I would be so grateful. Any help at all would be so appreciative, I afraid of what they might do if I can't pay them back right away, which I am not able to do.

Re: Stressed as behind

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:55 am
by Mr.Soft
Hi Dear!
My name is Van, and I am stressed! I am father of two kids 4 and 5 year old. We live in Palm beach gardens and have been out of work due to Corona virus pandemic. My lease for apartment is ended in May and my landlord just gave us a hard time that he rose the rent up 5% and required us to obtain the rental insurance which we never had in the contract. I have tried to make my payment on time this month and ask him to keep the same policy and we trying to make payment on time for him but he said will be $150 late fee will apply, which is stressing us as we are so far behind. During this crisis and we are trying our best to help each other but seem I got ignored and careless from my Landlord. I would like to ask for help if you can while we are not working by this disaster .
Palm beach gardens, FL33410
Appreciated of helps ..!!