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I want to live in a permanent home

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:47 am
by LaTessa
I was looking for some assistance to find a permanent home. I have a job but I need a place to live and I would appreciate it if someone can assist and guide me in doing this. I'm new to this area and my job is located here. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank You.

Re: I want to live in a permanent home

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:03 am
by Santa1912
I am currently going through a very bad divorcee. I live in the state of Maine and because I work have been having a hard time getting anyone to help me with permanent housing. I have 2 small kids and we have been living in a motel room since February 2014. I planned on using my taxes to find us a home but thanks to my soon to be ex-husband my credit and reputation are BAD. I need someone to help me ASAP!
I pay $243 a week for the room we are in and only bring home $650 every 2 weeks. After I pay rent, the babysitter, and gas for my car I might have enough to treat my girls to a small fry to share from McDonald's. All I need is anyone to help me get into a permanent home, I can handle it from there. Please help this helpless and hopeless mother to make a better life for her little family.