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Public housing security deposit

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:35 am
by Insomniac
I need help to pay a small security deposit to move into public housing, for which I have waited three years. There are absolutely no resources available in my area. Every single person, place, or organization I called told me they do not help with security deposits. How frustrating.

Re: Public housing security deposit

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:59 am
by Admin
Yes, many places do not help with security deposits. It is rare. But a public housing authority may have referrals. Or you can try a section 8 affiliated agency. So those are a couple suggestions, but the bottom line that help for moving into public housing is rare. The cash you need should not be much as it is a PHA. If you want, here are agencies that offer section 8 or public housing deposit programs, and you can apply there.

Re: Public housing security deposit

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:17 pm
by Tigers
I'm really needing help paying for my deposit and my rent on the first for my public housing unit. The land lord was gracious enough to let me move in without those things because I was on the streets, but the 1st of August is going to be very difficult for me to pay as I just started working at a stripes gas station and will not receive a paycheck until 3 weeks from now. I'm trying the best that I can to keep hope alive and not to give up. Thanks!

Re: Public housing security deposit

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:54 pm
by Admin
Deposit help in itself is hard to get, and it may be more challenging for public housing. But there are some options, including section 8 security deposit assistance. They may be able to get you into a new home or apartment, and maybe offer other advice too while you are waiting on that paycheck.