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I just left the hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:33 am
by Molly Ring
Yes, I have been calling since 730 am today and just stopped around 1 pm because I got nowhere. It's very frustrating as I have neurological disorders that cause seizers. Yes...epilepsy.
I was recently put in a devastating financial crisis. I'm very short on my rent and bills. I would give every cent I have to whomever would assist me to show I'm not here trying to make a buck off someone. I don't want cash, I want and need bills paid. Spending the last two weeks in the hospital disallowed me to generate any income. Which is where the problem lies. Please help!

Re: I just left the hospital

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:39 pm
by Yousef
I recently lost my father and my job in November. I'm a single mother and have a 3 month old son that is diagnosed in the hospital with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), VSD, ASD, hirschstrungs disease, and is currently going through heart failure. So I am spending a lot of time here at Children’s Mercy hospital due to many complications.
I have recently filed for food stamps, unemployment, social security, and WIC. So they are in a pending process. I am waiting to be approved. Therefore, I am just looking for help. I am getting ready to lose my only form of transportation and I just need to get me through this month with my rent and utilities.
My information is....
Unemployed & looking,
Need help with Christmas for my kids,