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Lack of child support from ex

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:16 pm
by gracie
I'm a single parent. Two of my kids are special Needs. I'm months behind on rent, utilities and we go hungry. I have no family and no help. We need help badly. Everyone I contact says there is no more funding available.
My ex gets away without paying child support. We go to court next week but the judge always lets him go. I'm scared and don't know what to do. Please help me with some advice.

Re: Lack of child support from ex

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 10:30 am
by JamesonMas
I am 22 years old and 7 months pregnant with no hope of child support. I recently got fired from my job at Target after 5 years for a "parking violation". I've tried and tried to find work but no one wants to hire a pregnant woman as far along as I am. In the meantime my bills have become overwhelming.
My electric and heat are about to get shut off and I am about to be evicted if I cannot figure something out very soon. I have tried to go through DHS to see if they would offer me any kind of assistance but was denied.
I live in interlochen and do not have a vehicle to go into town as the brake system failed and the shop wants $750 to fix it and said that wont guarantee to fix the problem. I’ve had a lot of complications with my pregnancy and was going to 3 doctors appointments and a WIC appointment every week that I haven’t been able to make it to, my WIC benefits even got cancelled because I couldn’t make it up there.
I’m desperate and I’ve been selling clothes and everything of value I own but can't come close to being able to pay what I need to pay and eat and get by. My ex will never pay any child support...he is a bum. I am at my breaking point and my whole world is falling apart. Anything you guys could do to help would benefit me and my new family greatly.