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Resources for former foster kids

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:19 pm
by DameronG
I'm writing you today to hopefully receive some needed help for my children and myself.
I'm a 28 year old single mother of 3 beautiful children. My 3
children and myself currently stay in my childhood home I inherited after the death of my
parents. My father who died from leukemia when I was 15, and my mother who died from lung cancer
when I was 19. My home is very special and sentimentally valuable to me, and next to my house
is where my parents are buried.
When I was 17 months old the state took me from my biological
mother and placed me into foster care. The first and only foster home they brought me to, was
this house. In my biological sibship we are a total of 4 children by the same mother, but various
fathers. I have only one out my 3 biological siblings that shares the same father as me, and at
some point in time we all 4 came to this house I live in now. Eventually, I was adopted and nearly the moment I walked in that
door, I knew I was home, and I called them momma and daddy for as far back as I can remember.

Re: Resources for former foster kids

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:58 pm
by Thebeagle
Our gas has been shut off & we have 8 kids that live with us. We foster four there from age 13 to 1 & my boyfriend works at a landscape services. I work part time.
We get no help with food & no child support. We have rent to pay, power & food to buy for 10 people. We were low on money and our gas got shut off. If anyone knows of any place that might help our gas here is for stove and our hot water.