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Other options than panhandling

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:12 am
by Moodys
I’m actually contacting you because I’m stranded in Jacksonville. I literally have nothing, no clothes, no phone and no ID :( I’ve tried extending to my family which just consists of my mother who is on Social Security and just doesn't have the funds to acquire it.
I’ve tried asking around but fear of getting into legal trouble for pan handling. I’m originally from Des Moines IA and will be going back there to live. I already have everything set up for living and to get my ID and get a job and continue my path into the nursing field by enrolling in education. I would really appreciate any kind of advice or help that you could offer me at this time!
God bless you, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Re: Other options than panhandling

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:24 am
by Gotta give
I live in Saluda SC, and I have researched your site for the past 2 hours, reading several of your articles looking over the many programs looking for something in my area, only to find dead ends in SC and further dead ends in Saluda County. The one phone number I did find to call about a food bank had a message on that the voice mail box was full and to call again later.
I just moved here from Michigan, to be close to family, which I now know was a huge mistake, as I had food pantries in place that helped me, my gas and electric bills were paid for me and my property taxes were exempt. I am a homeowner here as well and I find no help at all here in SC.
My income is $742.00 a month. In Michigan I received $200 a month in food stamps, here in SC I receive a paltry $55 a month in food stamps.
If I had known all of this before coming here I would never have left Michigan. Not even for family! I refuse to be or panhande, even for my kids.
I am struggling to pay bills, especially electric as the temperatures here have been in the 90's and 100's for weeks with no relief in sight. My air conditioning is running constantly to keep up. And I am told that around Sept. I will need to come up with around $780.00 to fill my LP gas tank for the winter to heat my home. That is a lot of money to raise panhandling. There is no way I will be able to do that. In Michigan the state filled my tank for me. Once in November and once again in February.
SC has no help in place for disabled people. They do not seem to care at all whether or not a disabled person is able to maintain and stay in their own home.
Whenever you make a phone call to a business in SC anywhere they answer and say, "It is a great day in South Carolina." Would I like to tell them a thing or two? I have been under more stress since I have moved here in February then I can ever remember having before.
It took me three months just to get my SC Medicaid and I have been on Medicaid in Michigan since 2003.
And, I am still looking for a PCP here. This state stinks.
If I had the physical ability and the money, I would be moving back to Michigan in a heartbeat.

Re: Other options than panhandling

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:13 am
by CMartin
Looking for help!
I have 17 days to move out of my current residence. I have 5 kids and myself. Is there any emergency rent assistance or something that I can do and not panhandle! Ha! My kids currently go to School in the Pulaski school district. I have nowhere to go and no money! Is there any help?