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I will pay the money back

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:20 am
by Straahan
I am currently a first semester junior starting this fall. I rent an apartment of campus because I get a nice size refund check from my financial aid after everything is paid for. This past fall semester I had to purchase because I didn't have transportation to get to the town my school is in and my parents do not own a vehicle. I paid as much of then rent I could pay off and my mother also helped. At the time I was working 7-9 shifts but only getting paid 2.50 an hour and thirty a night for two nights.
I left Clarksville in May because I felt like if I came home I wouldn't have to struggle as much, I have no family in Clarksville. I couldn't pay Mays rent because I didn't have the money at the time and I knew I would get my financial aid back in August so I was just going to catch up then. The bill is due on the six and if it isn't paid I'm charged 50 to the 534 I pay for just my room. On the ninth of July I was contacted by the property manger saying I owe 987 and I have to pay at least $450 by the 11th but I got it pushed to the 15th only because I called around to see if I could get an extension.
Mind you my parents make minimum wage, I have a job but I don't get paid until Thursday and If I don't pay this amount by that date the eviction process will start. I'm a very trustworthy person and I made the deans list my second and third semester of school. I'm almost finished with school but if I get evicted it will be hard for me to find a place to live while I'm at school for five in a half months. I have like $120 to put with the donation and if the sponsor would like to be paid back I could sign a contract saying I will pay the money back but I desperately need this money, so if you can help please help me:)

Re: I will pay the money back

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:46 am
by Admin
If you are willing to pay a sponsor back, then you may want to consider a peer to peer loan. This is money that is borrower from other individuals, normally at a reasonable rate. Then when you get that refund check, you can repay it to the lender. You can use the money for that $900+ in rent or other bills. So there are several different companies that may offer this, and locate various peer to peer lenders.

Re: I will pay the money back

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:53 am
by Malawai
Because of a car accident I had in 2015, I ended up in jail for tickets. I was bonded out my a bail bondsman so I didn't spend the holidays in jail, but instead with my 2 daughters (11, 15) & also so I didn't lose my job as a nurse. With that being said, the bond cost me EVERYTHING I had in the bank, except .87 cents.
I'm Blessed beyond belief that my car is still drivable & that no one was injured. Sadly, I've had to return most of my online purchases for my girls' Christmas, just to have gas & as much food as I could get for my kids & I. I was also able to pay for 3 nights where I get paid from my job January 2nd. Until then, I have NO money to pay my weekly rent. The remaining amount that I owe is $125.00, which would cover this month.
Since 11/2016, I've been staying in a Motel 6, which in itself is embarrassing to say, but I'm proud to admit that my life has been very stable here. At the end of next month I will Finally be moving into a rental HOUSE!!! I have distant relatives that I haven't talked to in years, so it's just my kids & I. I work full time as an LVN at a local nursing home (since 12-2016). My ex & I have split the holidays so they'll be with me & I'm PRAYING that someone, somewhere, can help me keep from being kicked out with my kids.
In April when I get paid, I will be able to pay back the money. I'm literally out of options at the point. I take FULL responsibility for this situation because instead of dealing with my tickets, I tried to ignore them (hoping somehow they'd just go away). I would greatly appreciate being considered for rental assistance. I'm a Very independent woman & asking Anyone for help is not something I Ever do. But I desperately need the help, for the sake of my kids. Sorry for such a long message. Just felt it was best to be as open as possible. Thank you for your time.