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Charities don't seem to be helping

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:48 am
by AndyNorth
I am a part time National guard soldier and a college student. I need assistance paying my July rent. I recently lost my civilian job but gained another one. It'll take a few weeks to make enough for my rent.
I've been struggling with all my bills and I Don’t have family to help me. And I really Don’t want to be kicked out of my apartment. I work hard and I'm always on time with my bills. I just had a bad month and was not able to pay my bills. I hope someone can help me.

I've tried my Department of human resources and they didn’t want to help me. I've called Red cross and the Salvation army. I just need help with one month of rent. Please someone help. It would be a Blessing. I know what homelessness feels like I don't ever want to go through that again.

Re: Charities don't seem to be helping

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 8:00 am
by Admin
One of the national charities that helps kids is Love INC. They also tend to coordinate ESL classes. So maybe day care and after schhol services will help your kid. Maybe they can give you other help too, and find details on LOVE inc. programs.

Re: Charities don't seem to be helping

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:35 pm
by Sara Plummer
Hello I am a landlord in Virginia. I have a tenant that used a charity (Women’s fleeing domestic violence type of group) to pay her rental deposit, but seems no charities are helping her now. Her lease has ended and having a hard time determining if some or all funds paid by them should go back to them? This tenant hasn’t paid her last months rent and needs more help from a charity. Which our lease stats that this is not acceptable..\
If you could please help me figure out how a normal donated rental deposit is handled when the lease has ended or maybe a contact phone number or even a website to help figure out to get help from a charity? Cause there is nothing in the VA law book regarding this type of refund or what to do if a charity does not help.
Thank you