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Food and basic needs in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:08 am
by Bilbo
I am a single mother of three beautiful children, one of which lives with her grandmother. My kids and I are living in our own rental house. My son is 8, and my youngest daughter is 6. They, for the first time in their lives, have their own rooms. Although it is a great feeling, I am struggling to stay a float.
I just had to sell my truck so I could pay the rent. I work two jobs, both of which are about a half hour away from me in another town in Kentucky. My state food stamp benefits just went down to $140 a month. I have a hard enough time supplying other basic necessities for my kids, now I have to figure out how to buy more groceries as well.
I am really trying my hardest to get ahead and feed them but I still seem to be falling short. My mother has helped me so much she can no longer afford too, but I am a mother, and I just going through a tough time.

Re: Food and basic needs in Kentucky

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:52 am
by Admin
You would be a great candidate for a food pantry. You are working, have children, and receive government aid, but just need a little extra to make it through. The food banks in Kentucky are created just for that reason. They may also have suggestions on the truck/transportation issues you are having. Locate food banks in Kentucky.