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Money to pay off the electric payment plan

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:54 am
by Stubaker
I am writing on a past due PIPP Amount and trying to get service in my name. I have been Homeless since 07. Lost my home. I am going thru Coleman Mental Health Met Housing Section 8. I have no income. They will pay my rent and also receive à utility allowance check. I just threw 200.00 of food out this past Monday.
The Service was in the name Apartment complex and I ordered service in my name and has 10 days to do it so I sent Community Action in Lima and they had no funds to help me pay à past due amount. So they turned my service off after I was given 3 different amounts I owed.
Please Help me so I can Save my Apartment. I have turned my life around 360 plus I am going back too school in August.

Re: Money to pay off the electric payment plan

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:01 am
by DJack
Hello, I am sending this email for some help. I just went back to work on Monday after being on medical leave. But a friend of mine is in need of help with her electric bill. She owes 955.00 more right now on the payment plan she was given. She has no electricity in her home. She has 3 children that has special medical needs. You can reach her on her phone. Please get back to her as soon as you can. Thank you.