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How often can Kansas Community Action help us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:22 am
by Parseti
Hi, I am wondering, If you could help us. It is myself, my husband and our nephew.
Myself and My Nephew on my sister’s side have unfortunately had to apply for
disability. I needed to due this to ongoing health issues for myself. For our Nephew he has
Heart problems among other health problems also.
My husband is on unemployment now, and is desperately trying to find a job that will see us thru until we go before a judgeto see if either Nephew and or myself qualify for disability. I hate doing this but at this
point in my life. I have no choice.

My question pertains to the Community Action as well as the Kansas DHS. And I do hope
you can help us understand. My husband has gone to the DHS unfortunately to much
to ask for help in getting food. He has been given a voucher for the Community Action.
May God Bless those who are so kind in helping us. But this is what I do not understand
please help me too? The Community Action tells my husband that he can come back and
get more help in 8 days.
The DHS tells us once every 30 days. We are so grateful. So thankful for what we are
given, I have just always had the need to understand why? Could you please help me, and help
us to understand why?

Re: How often can Kansas Community Action help us

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 7:42 am
by Admin
If you want to understand why the community action agency "only" helps every 8 days, then ask them. Do not ask us. Honestly, we are surprised they said once a week. That is very, very rare. Most agencies in Kansas may assist a few time per year. So you should feel very fortunate. As far as other services from community action, maybe they can help your husband find a job or get new skills so they are marketable. But locate the programs here. ... gency.html