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Heating oil for utilities and energy repairs in needed in Ve

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:30 am
by RandyT
I'm disabled and live in Vermont with 5 children and my ex-wife. I live in St Johnbury and need heating oil. We got fuel assistance and that ran out and now we are almost on empty. It's 30 - 40 degrees in the our mobile home and 20 outside. We are also going to need assistance to get our roof done as well if you can help out with that as well. If you're willing are donating us kerosene our fuel supplier is Fred's Propane Company in Lyndonville VT. Thanks I hope you can help a disabled person out. We are also behind on lights as well and don't have much food either.

Re: Heating oil for utilities and energy repairs in needed i

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:00 pm
by Admin
The Vermont Fuel Assistance program is exactly for situations such as yours. How did you blow through all of that aid? You needed to use it wisely/sparingly. So that is very unfortunate that you used all of the assistance that was given to you. We doubt a charity will now help you as by your actions, it shows you did not plan/budget properly. But hey, you can always try to reapply to Vermont LIHEAP fuel assistance and see what the state says.