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Oil bills

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:59 pm
by Nashville
I have gastropareses which means my stomach is paralyzed. I have a gastric simulator and a medication pump just so I can basically live my life has had so many ups and downs. I live on SSDI which I get $738.00 a month. I do get Medicare a-b-d.
I have to travel to the local university hospital and that trip cost me $100 and I travel to Hershey hospital and that trip cost me 50 so as you can see don't leave me with much for bills and such. I am on PPL payment thing witch cost me $95.50 a month so yes I have a phone bill and cell phone. I had to use all my savings and I'm so far behind on my bills. I am in need of financial help with my bills. I have oil heat and can't apply till November 3. All I ask is if I can get help and I don't know where else to turn for help. Thank you.

Re: Oil bills

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:43 am
by Bradshaw1
I just found your email address on needhelppayingbills website. I have an electric bill with BMU for 300 dollars I cannot pay due to my low income. BMU has told me that LIHEAP has no funds left for helping with fuel oil and I cannot find anyone in a position to give me the money. I say give because I cannot pay this back.
I can barely afford to buy groceries at this point, much less pay for oil. I was a consumer with Sadi and was told I would get a caregiver to come out and help me as I am house bound more often than not and they never delivered on that promise and have not returned my calls. The bill is due on the 10th and I don't know where else to turn. Please advice. Thank you for your time.