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Death of family member causing me to fall behind

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:33 am
by Chipper
I recently lost my Grandmother who was my last living parent! I moved in with her to help her out with home repairs, groceries, yard work, etc. She had an the house is two still behind with the mortgage and The utility bills are behind as well. I am doing my best to keep the house but being on a fixed income receiving SSI isn't enough to cover a mortgage, gas and light bill, property taxes and water bill.
My money just can't cover it. So my aunts and I decided to see a probate lawyer who advise us to sell the house! Since my Grandmother didn't have a will really makes it even more difficult to try and pay the bills. I just don't know what to do we all are broke and in need of a miracle to help pay for all mentioned above! I only get $845.00 monthly and the mortgage is $649.29 a month. There is $100.00 for home insurance, my light and Gas bill are more than $200.00 dollars, the water bill is the same 200.00 as well. I tried to rent two of the three bedrooms but me being a bad judge of character the friends for some reason just thought they could run up the bills, gas and electricity and not pay their rent! Then move out with me having to deal with it all and no help so I just didn't know what to do until I heard about this type of assistance from a good friend of mine!
So please do consider my plea as one who is sadden and desperately in need of emergency assistance thank you from the bottom of my heart! In closing I will not let this short coming keep me down, bless you.

Re: Death of family member causing me to fall behind

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:40 am
by Stressed Out
Mortgage help; Medicare D premiums; utility; phone; heat. All of my SS check goes to mortgage. No $ for living, bills, co-pays. Medicare/Medicaid do not cover all necessary tests, Separated many years from husband, lives in another state, dying of cancer. This is after our kid just died too. He cannot work so, no support, no mortgage help. Mortgage cheaper than rents; physically unable to move, disabled senior. I live 30 years. here, home has some disability aids. Good support, doctors are here.