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My disability won't cover all my bills

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:33 pm
by Dominque
I am struggling to pay rent, electric, car insurance, medication and other expenses each month. I am so far behind and completely frustrated. I am on disability and only receive 1095.00 each month which is not enough to pay all my expenses.

I can't even afford medication. I have no family to turn to. Please, please contact me because I might not have a home to come to next month. I am so tired of struggling.

Re: My disability won't cover all my bills

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:49 am
by Admin
As you probably found out, disability was never intended to pay all of the bills of a family. If it were then many people would say they are disabled and try to claim it. But there are some agencies in Washington that may have advice for you, especially around budgeting. Or they have information on prescription services for the disabled, and find the Washington disability programs.

Re: My disability won't cover all my bills

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:37 am
by Goldman
I'm 52 years old on disability. I have a 26 year old with cerebral palsy. He is mobile but says 4 words. He also has sensory integration...I've been looking for help with our rent and utility bills for months. I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm in 2003 and were both on SSDI disability which leaves us basically broke every month. I try and try but the state says 1022. And 567 is too high. SNAP food stamps they gave me 16.00 dollars. I pay my own heat. I had to send my JCP&L bill for aid, and am still waiting on that decision. Will somebody help me before I get evicted?

Re: My disability won't cover all my bills

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 11:53 am
by Admin
That sounds low for SNAP food stamps....$16 a month does not seem right. But disability was never meant to pay every bill a family has. Most people get $1000 - $1500...if that. But there are other resources, and find them here. ... stanc.html
Goldman wrote:I'm 52 years old on disability. I have a 26 year old with cerebral palsy. He is mobile but says 4 words. He also has sensory integration...I've been looking for help with our rent and utility bills for months. I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm in 2003 and were both on SSDI disability which leaves us basically broke every month. I try and try but the state says 1022. And 567 is too high. SNAP food stamps they gave me 16.00 dollars. I pay my own heat. I had to send my JCP&L bill for aid, and am still waiting on that decision. Will somebody help me before I get evicted?

Re: My disability won't cover all my bills

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:27 pm
by Gotta give
Hello. I am writing to you to see if there are any disability assistance programs near me that can/will help pay things such as car insurance, rent, utility bills, and gas bills. I live in Edwardsburg MI, am disabled and have recently lost my job (about a month ago) and I have been trying to get another job and nothing has worked out for me yet.
My rent is now due for March and I can't pay it or any of the above mentioned bills. Please contact me via email to let me know if I can get any help from anyone. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter.