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Electric will be shut off as I wait on disability

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:02 pm
by Sejkora
I fell behind on my electric bill because I had to apply for disability and its a very long process so I have falling behind and my electric will be shut off Monday. I have 2 children in the home with me so if I could get any help I’m only short on my bill $82 so its not very much but I have no income at the moment and no way of getting the money. So please help. Thanks.

Re: Electric will be shut off as I wait on disability

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:42 am
by Mr.Soft
We've been struggling to keep up with our electricity bill for a while now and have back payments of about 340 dollars due as I wait on my SSI disability. Our bill is due by the 28th of this month and I am out of a job as of recently. If we cannot get this paid by the 28 they will shut off our electricity and make us pay the full $400 or so, which includes this month’s electricity bill. Please help us find someone who can help pay these bills please while filing for disability. Please.

Re: Electric will be shut off as I wait on disability

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:27 am
by Sadness
I have a cut-off notice on Thursday May the 8th 2019 for $243.09. I'm on disability and I cannot come up with my electricity money this month. I have tried everything I can think of. I'm in bad shape as my disability check does not cover all my bills I don't even have food this month. Could you please help? You can reach me at this email address or my phone number. I live in Palmer Texas 75152. Please help and respond ASAP I'm very scared. It's hot in Texas and I can't go without my electricity as I am disabled. Thank you very much for your quick response.

Re: Electric will be shut off as I wait on disability

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:39 am
by Singlemom
I am a single mother receiving disability benefits. I am so very grateful for my benefits however it's really hard making ends meet. My electric bill is over 300.00 to keep it from shutting off along with other bills I'm trying so very hard to catch up on. I would be forever grateful for a little help.