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Cable bill for disabled senior

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:06 am
by scurry
I got behind financially for many reasons this month. I paid the most important things such as electricity, medications, etc., but my cable bill is overdue and you may not consider it necessary but I am disabled and it is what I do.
I just don't get enough money a month to get everything paid, IF I let myself get behind. I was wondering if you could help. In February I will have 4 years of sobriety. I have a great sponsor and go to meeting 4 times a week and sometimes more when I have a ride. My best friend and I would like to volunteer serving on Christmas Day and wondered if you had a dinner that we could help serve. Neither one of us can stand long but we want to do what we can. Service to others has always been part of my life. I was a teacher before I became disabled and I volunteered too.

We have been looking forward to finding somewhere to volunteer for the last few days since we have been talking about it.
I also hope you can help me with this bill that is hanging over my head.. It is 153.96. Like I said, I have been behind and can't seem to catch up and if they disconnect me I will have to pay extra fees to have it reinstalled. I really did pay all the most important bills first, but I get so much joy from watching cable too, that I consider it pretty important too.

Re: Cable bill for disabled senior

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:26 am
by sasolis
This is a resource website, no actual funding. I am sorry to say I have yet to find anywhere that will pay a cable bill. Might I suggest calling the cable company and trying to work it out with them. You can also call 211 and get a list of resources as well. Good luck to you.