Government job placement in Connecticut

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Government job placement in Connecticut

Post by Roker »

I was robbed at gunpoint September 29th in Bristol Connecticut. I was being harassed by assailant and had to move out of my place I was renting within a week of this happening. I am currently jobless and I went for an interview just a week and a half after but my mindset still a mess. I work with bookkeeping and couldn't take responsibility of someone else's money. I currently pay rent for 2 storage units and sleep on my mothers living room floor looking for assistance in buying a fixer upper trailer in the area. I don't have any cash to do this and I am actively looking for a job. Anything you can help with will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Government job placement in Connecticut

Post by Admin »

So you turned down a job offer? If that is the case, then what can you work on if not bookkeeping? You may need to address the fear or mental issue you have before you can receive employment at any Connecticut organization or company. However, some places to turn to for referrals is as following. Maybe some case managers in Connecticut can help you. ... progr.html
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