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My Salvation Army corp center in Michigan has no funding

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:31 am
by Marriot12
Hello, I am very much in need of assistance. I had a Coronary Bypas on August 13th of this year while in the hospital I was fired from my job 2 days later. I always thought that people worry if you are OK, do you need anything, but never get fired because you got sick. To make a long story short I receive no kind of assistance. I tried SSN, unemployment tried charities like Salvation Army, United Way, Churches in my area of Michigan and what makes my area different there’s one main number hook to these foundations and only by appointment only the 1st Monday of the month and be one of 8 callers by 12 pm. Being under doctors care prevent me from do any job that would effect my rehab. I am currently behind my February rent as well as my electric bill. And was hoping you can point me in the right direction. And if not thank you very for taking time out for need.

Re: My Salvation Army corp center in Michigan has no funding

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:57 am
by Admin
As you said, most Salvation Army centers do have limited funding. However it looks like they gave you pretty clear directions on when aid is passed out, so just go there on Monday's when they do it. Why can't you do that?The Salvation Army and their case managers may even have information on job training programs for your husband that operate in Michigan. Or you also need to keep calling around to other churches, etc. Anyhow, Read more Salvation Army Michigan.