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Social services fuel assistance

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:26 pm
by Papen
I am requesting for more assistance for help with my electric bill. The electric company refuses to give me another week because I was late once at the beginning of the year. Which I had just stated a new job so they are threatening to cut my power off as of 2/10/14. I cant afford to miss work so could you please assist me in some available programs. I have applied for fuel assistance through social services and have called other programs but was unable to get through could you please help me.

Re: Social services fuel assistance

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:13 am
by Ashley
I am a single mother with a baby on the way, to arrive early October 2015. When the baby comes, I will need to take time off work and my job does not pay for maternity leave. I need to be able to take time off but I worry how I will cover basic living expenses such as winter fuel, utilities, etc. My local government social service office did not offer many tips. This is still a few months away but I want to be prepared so as to not be evicted with a new baby and no place to go until I'm able to go back to work.