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Insurance settlement money is done

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:13 pm
by Bird
I was injured in a car accident in July. I am am currently going thru the disability process. My husband and I were married in June 1013. After a few short months, my settlement money ran out, and due to our lack of communication, and new marriage, things escalated quickly, and we were faced with eviction. I panicked, and my family came to get me and move me to South Carolina. My husband is gainfully employed in Sarasota county Florida, and we are desperately trying to mend our marriage. I am stuck in NC and he is trying to save all he can, to pay back the cost of moving me to SC a couple weeks ago, and getting us a new place in Florida, not to mention the cost of moving me back. At this point, I am out of options, out of insurance money and am willing to listen to any advice anyone has. The last 3 years have been trying for me, I'm a cancer survivor, then a devastating car accident. This year was supposed to be the happiest ever, and here I go again. If there is anyone with advice, please don't hesitate. Thank you for your input.