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Debts from visit to ER

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:57 pm
by Charleze
Good afternoon,
I am writing on behalf of my girlfriend who recently needed emergency medical services, including two ER trips and an stay at an Neuro-ICU in Atlanta, GA. She is currently now in major debt, as she owes $40,000 for one ER visit and one-night stay in the NeuroICU, a 1680$ bill for ambulance service, $600 for the second ER visit, and $477$for an echocardiogram that the hospital ordered to check for a heart murmur. She recently moved in the last 2 months to Georgia from Ohio to be with me and just got a hostess job at a restaurant in DeKalb County, so she has very little income. We need advice on how to proceed with these bills; if there is anything like Charity Care or if we can apply for Medicaid or anything at all. She is only 25 years old and has no familial support. Please help us and reply ASAP. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend,

Re: Debts from visit to ER

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:10 am
by Admin
Once you ran out those debts you can't apply for Medicaid or charity care. Government aid you need to get in advance. While charity care is more flexible, you need to ask for that right away too. However you still have some options for those medical bills. You can try things like settlement or consolidation of it. Many hospitals in Georgia do offer it. Learn more settlement of medical debt.