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Illegally terminated

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:55 pm
by CorporateB
I am 29 weeks pregnant and on my own. I have recently been forced out of my job of two and a half years due to being pregnant. I know this is not legal, but the way my employer went about it was very underhanded. I was put in a situation where I was forced to quit otherwise get fired. My plan had been to work up until the first or second week of January so that I could put money away to pay rent and other bills while out of work for six weeks after the baby. Now I am with no savings, income or work. I am finding it difficult to get another job being so far along and having to take off after a couple months if I did get hired. Odds are that I don't qualify for unemployment since I was not laid off but was forced to quit. I am looking for any info on temporary help with my rent and bills until I can get back to a regular job in March after having had my baby the end of January.

Re: Illegally terminated

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:56 am
by Boeheim
Two and half months ago I was terminated from my job. I really was treated unjustly by both my employer and unemployment commission. I have been lied to and cheated, all for being a dedicated hardworking employee. With that being said I am responsible for my family who lives in Texas, and my expenses in Utah. I was assured by the company that I would receive my benefits. The first month I had no luck with my job search because my driving status was not resolved due to the incident. I was denied my benefits because I was fired due to my actions. I did nothing wrong, I simply did my best, in a situation that was caused by employers vehicle. After two month once again I was assured by HR department (I deserved it and they would not fight it) by this time I am in financial trouble. The unemployment commission denied me a second time, even though the other party defaulted. I did nothing wrong. Now I have lost my family, this financial burden was a backbreaker. I have no money to get my vision up to par and as a CDL driver it is required. I need help, my car, phone, housing are days from being taken. My family in Texas was dependent on me, with no help from me they in the same predicament. I have the truth on my side and I am going to continue to fight for justice, but right now I am in need of immediate help. I was a good employee and I have been treated completely unfair. I am not a lazy freeloader; all I needed was one month of my benefits that I earned. I didn't deserve to be cheated, my faith in the system is uncertain. I was a good, hardworking, and dedicated employee. Other employees had similar incidents and were not terminated. I did nothing wrong. The commission stated I didn't dispute my situation, how could I, with no benefits and no income I had to resolve the issue immediately. I always told my children hard work pays off. This certainly doesn’t validate that life lesson.