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Need winter clothing

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:51 pm
by NilaP
I'm having trouble paying for diapers and winter clothing for my children. My mom is going through a divorce so we moved in with her, and she just got a new job but it is only part time and we are struggling to make ends meet.

Re: Need winter clothing

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:07 am
by Virginia
Hello, I would like to start off by introducing myself and explaining why I am writing this question in such desperate need of help. I am Mary and I am a wife and a proud mommy to a 6 and a half year old boy named Mark. This past year has been very difficult this winter, my husband got laid off and since then he has had no luck finding something steady or anything at all. I have been seeking very desperately for anything part time even if possible to make money to pay our Rent, Bills and expenses. I have posted ads posting what work experience I have and what work I can do, such as cleaning houses, walking dogs, babysitting etc, but so far NO LUCK. We are in emergency need of money to pay our rent and bills most importantly. I am also in need of clothes myself and hygiene products. We pay $900 rent monthly and bills have piled up like never before. I am not forcing or asking for a huge donation of cash or free money, not at all. Just help, help on advice or ideas on where to direct me to get some help or maybe part-time job? I am so sorry if I have took up some of anyone’s time with my issues but I thought I would give it a shot and try to see if I get a reply or some help. I am not ashamed of my desperate cry for help because I know there are many like myself out there in need and some way somehow god makes those miracles in helping everyone, because my faith in god is so strong I believe we will get back to normal soon, and my son reminds me everyday how much to appreciate the smallest things in life. We are located in New Rochelle NY. We are three people in our household.

Re: Need winter clothing

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:44 am
by Admin
The clothing is easier to get then that financial aid. Especially for a 6 year old child. There are various donations help across Westchester County. You will need to register for these programs though, and they usually provide items on a first come and served basis. Some of the clothing closets can even refer people to local job training centers, so you can look into that as well. Find free winter clothes in Westchester.