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Husband injured at work

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:25 pm
by Allied1
My husband broke his ankle 11/15/12 and surgery was done 11/17/12 to repair fibula and portion of Tibula. He has pens and 6 screws hold his bones together to help healing. Dr. Mercer said he cannot work for 8 weeks at minimum. We will only have my income. We will need help with Mortgage, utilities, and car payments. I can only guess that he will heal in 8 weeks to go back to work. He stands on his feet on concrete all day and does car repairs. Can you guys help? Not sale gimmicks please. Thank you. Also not his company does not have FMLA.

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:33 pm
by MBJ
Today we received a letter from our landlord that if we do not have our rent paid by the 15th they will proceed with eviction filings. I am using my wife's email account to send this out. Not sure my email came through originally looks like it just added the email to the sign guestbook on your website. Not sure how that happened. Anyway, I & my wife are both disabled. My wife has been sick for a few months. I went to work last year to try to help cover the medical expenses & to see if I was physically able to get off disability & get back to full time work. I was doing great until the middle of November. I mean I was working 50+ hours a week, back to building homes which I love to do. Then an accident happened at work. I had an accident that messed up my shoulder. It actually dislocated it by 2 inches & tore several ligaments as well. Also, herniated s few disks in my back. Needless to say this made me be out of work & back & forth to doctor appointments, therapy, MRI’s etc. Of course this falls under workers comp. However, my pay was cut in half & only getting maybe 25 hours a week in @ sedentary work. Which has financially kicked us in some bad ways? We have cut out all unnecessary expenses, which wasn't much as we were not into many "luxuries" of life anyway. Anyway, we've cancelled home phone, internet & cable. We have gone to prepaid cell phones. Only other expenses we have is home, utilities, on car payment, car insurance, food & just day to day living expenses. Then this past weekend we had to take our dog to the vet. This cost us 300 $’S, which was money we had put back to go towards our rent. We are not sure if the dog will need further treatment or x-rays. We are just taking it one day at a time with him as well. Anyway, I've sent my four children to their mom's (we have joint custody) so I can Get some financial things resolved. Feel like such a failure to be at this point, but realize things happen & all I've done is trying hard to provide for my family. We are currently in need of some assistance for our rent, our car payment is 1 month behind & that is all we need help with. Our rent is $800 (plus 50 late fee) & our car payment is $389 a month & currently we didn't pay October's payment & it will be due again the 22nd of this month (which we should be able to pay if we can get some assistance now). Hate having to ask, especially not knowing where this is going or to whom it is going. But we got to start somewhere trying to get some help. Thank you for your time reading this & we appreciate any advice, help or direction with our situation. Sincerely & God Bless.

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:15 pm
by Admin
You took some of the right steps by cancelling non-essential like phone, computer, TV, etc. That is smart, as it will free up money for things like shelter and rent. Also, while difficult I know, you are paying for a pet? How much money, as some can be expensive. So we have information on medical care, housing, and more in Collin County Texas. The main programs and agencies can be found on our main site. Maybe they can provide you with some financial help for your bills. Try places like the Salvation Army too. Here are the main resources. ... progr.html

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:25 am
by Direct1
I am a married 43 year old mom. My husband and 3 children were Evicted about 3 weeks unfairly. We have a 7 year old daughter that has disabilities. She has gone thru open Heart surgeries, including a Heart transplant. Her being sick and impatient most of her 7 years has put a Extreme Financial burden on our families.
My husband and I have been laid off numerous times because of due to missing work. We need Help to pay last months rent into a 3 bedroom place that we are searching for that will be accommodating to our sick daughter. Please Help us. We have been trying to get a job but due to a broken car and sick child people haven't been to understanding. Please Point us in the RIGHT DIRECTION FOR HELP!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:34 am
by sasolis
You can call 211 for local resource information but most of the time if you are no employed they will not provide you resources.

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:33 am
by Starbucker123
To whom it may concern,
Recently I got into a car accident as I was on the passenger seat and it required me to take a leave of absence from work. Now I am having difficulties being able to pay next month's rent, I have medical bills as well as the ambulance bill and other expenses that I need to take care off. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I work and study, I had to take a leave of absence from school as well as I may not be able to purchase books and pay the out pocket expenses, I am attending a graduate program. Thank you in advance for your time and collaboration.

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:49 pm
by BrentLavara1
My husband has been trying to find a job and now broke her arm in two places at work. He will need to have surgery but just got approved for access and can't do anything with arm until this goes through. He is in need of assistance with her APS, Gas, water and mortgage as he may not be able to work for 3-4 months and doesn't have any money for anything. He will be getting food stamps soon but not sure when this will be approved. Can someone please call me?

Re: Husband injured at work

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:26 am
by Admin
We can't call you. But we do have places you can call. There are many disability programs in Virginia to try. Some are government funded and others are non-profits. Maybe they can assist your husband. There are also other jobs he can do, even if his hand is hurt.
BrentLavara1 wrote:Can someone please call me?