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New York City

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:22 am
by ladyofvirtue
Living in section eight apartment in Queens ny. Landlady is saying heating has gone up and now dividing con edison bill three ways and my part will be 229.00. I Don't Have it This money is adding up from may~july so far. I need Help.

Queens New York Electric Bill

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:28 am
by s.chen
I have a question about any services that would help with my electricity bill. I have a 15 month old baby boy and he currently was discharged from a rehab facility and is on oxygen and other life saving equipment. I called the electric company because my electricity bill, since he has been home has MORE than DOUBLED, and I asked them if there was a way to lower it, since it's basically his machines that have increased our expenses. They said they cannot do that. I also called HEAP, but the deadline has passed and its more for low income families. Are there any services for families who have children on oxygen or ventilators?, obviously there must be some sort of assistance for families in similar situations because it's not our fault that our bills have increased, it's because of the equipment and our children might be on them for a long time or possibly their entire life.

Re: New York City

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:52 pm
by Beneidt
To Whom It May Concern:
I live in New York City and I need help on my water bill which it has a disconnect on this Friday 9/19/2013. I need $ 700.00 because they say, because our bankruptcy has been dismiss that, we had to pay a large a mount of money on it. My husband and I do receive SSI Disability every month and we have that kind of money to pay on and we do have minor children in the home and I need a lot of help. We are going through difficult hardship at this time and top of it. Our electric bill is due with disconnect too. I would appreciate you could help us ASAP!
Thank You Very Much,

Re: New York City

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:21 am
by Meredith
I am unable to pay for my utility bill and am seeking some assistance. I have been living on my own in New York City with the help of a part-time job and unemployment benefits. I have not received unemployment benefits because I am now considered on emergency unemployment and that has not been approved. My last week of benefits was 6/28/2014. My income for the month of August was $224.00. I am able to stay in my apartment with help from my family but cannot ask them for more.
Is there anything available for me? I am 60 1/2 years old and am seeking employment every day. I have worked all my life but have been unable to find employment this past year after losing my job.
I would appreciate any information you can offer.
Thank you,

Re: New York City

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:20 pm
by Survivor
I have a $588.00 light bill. And I need help paying it I only receive 735.00 in disability SSI and I am in the hotel in New York City until the first of February and I am supposed to be moving in my place. But I have no way to pay the light and be able to pay the rent and deposit. I need to get food till the 19 of February.
I am already very short on food. I have close to no food and I have three kids. We need food and helping paying the light bill by February first. But we really need food now. And help with the bill thrust PWC. Please contact me as soon as possible and the hotel I am at for right now.