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illinois monthly rent help,housing placement,help me please

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:40 pm
by helppleasemom303
I am a 24 year old mom of a 19month old little with my parents. The parents have now become abusive,police are notttt helping me,and parents saying if I take myself and daughter out of home,they.ll never help me again. For my daughter.s sake,I need to get out of here. I am located in stephenson county illinois,and need monthly rent assistance and placement into an apt.or home as soon as possible. Losing all hope,do not know where to turn,but my daughter deserves better than seeing all of this abuse*happening to me*. Any help or advice would be highly appreciated,im depressed,alone and scared for my safety,as my parents hold my baby against me in leaving or not leaving...please help! Please! God bless you all. Single mom needing immediate housing and monthly rent help..thank you.

Re: illinois monthly rent help,housing placement,help me ple

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:55 pm
by Admin
Well, we have extensive information and options for you. Both national and local housing, legal, and support. For state of Illinois assistance, use this resource. ... grams.html On the page are links to dozens of agencies and programs, including free legal aid. You may want to look into that if have an abusive relationship.
Here is the information on the local community action agency in Stephenson County Illinois.
And for single moms, there is a nation charity called CoAdobe. It can help moms find housing for themselves and their children, and read more on single mom housing. Explore all about the main site, and we have a search box at the bottom of every page too.

helppleasemom303 wrote:I am a 24 year old mom of a 19month old little with my parents. The parents have now become abusive,police are notttt helping me,and parents saying if I take myself and daughter out of home,they.ll never help me again. For my daughter.s sake,I need to get out of here. I am located in stephenson county illinois,and need monthly rent assistance and placement into an apt.or home as soon as possible. Losing all hope,do not know where to turn,but my daughter deserves better than seeing all of this abuse*happening to me*. Any help or advice would be highly appreciated,im depressed,alone and scared for my safety,as my parents hold my baby against me in leaving or not leaving...please help! Please! God bless you all. Single mom needing immediate housing and monthly rent help..thank you.

Re: illinois monthly rent help,housing placement,help me please

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 11:51 am
by Ameka
Hello, I've been looking a lot online for some type of housing assistance, or help with financial assistance or anything to keep me & my daughter from being homeless or from having to go all the way downtown to a homeless shelter. I am 18 years old, my daughter is 17 months. I am also currently 7 months pregnant with a baby boy. They have the same father but he doesn't take his part in being a father.
I am currently living in my mother's one bedroom apartment in oak forest Illinois. But she is living with her boyfriend in Chicago Illinois & she texts me everyday telling me I need to get out, I need to find somewhere to go, but I have been trying to find a place to live since around April & I still have had no luck. My mom had told me I don't have much time to find somewhere, my dad won't even let me do laundry at his house & also said I cannot live there again.
I only have a few friends, they would help me if they could but they don't have any room in their houses for any more people. I don't speak to none of my family because all they do is make me feel worse about this situation. So they do not help me at all either. I have none to turn to, not even for a babysitter which is why I do not have a job, I don't even have any type of transportation to a job & back.
I have no money, not even a few dollars for the bus or to eat. I do have a link card & WIC to feed myself & my daughter, but I can't even afford to buy us new clothes or anything. It makes me feel so horrible knowing its very difficult for me to provide a home for my daughter & soon to be son. I just want my kids to be happy, I should be getting cash assistance soon with my public aid but I have no idea when & how much. But it will probably be just enough to get us by in what we need.
I just want my kids to have a home to call their own, I don't want to feel like a horrible mother anymore :( I just want what's best for my children. So if you could please help me in any way, I would greatly appreciate it. But my phone has been messing up which is why I emailed.