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Live in motels

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:48 am
by Derrick
My family of six has been living in motels in White Plains New York for a year now. My husband was working a great job but had to let it go due to many absences. Every paycheck he got went straight to the cost of the motel room but his pay was only enough to pay us for up to a week. once that was gone he would go to work 8 hrs get off from work only to work even more collecting scrap metal in order to make the daily room rate. And he did this for about a week until pay day came again. We do have evictions which has limited our options to pretty much nothing unless we dont mind moving our kids to neighborhoods where they will probably get into nothing but trouble. Please can somebody help we have tried literally every option. We also dont qualify for welfare due to an account which my sons great grandmother has for him & is the one and only person who has any kind of access to this account but the county of Westchester denied us anyway. Please im desperate.

Re: Live in motels

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:18 pm
by Azrael77
Why the heck don't you get your butt out there and help your poor husband??! Are you capable of holding a job? I am a mother and work full time. If you won't make enough $$ for childcare then the DHS will help with vouchers. At least try going to college or something...get student grants and loans which will help you out with extra $$ right now too. :evil: If your husband leaves you then you will really be screwed won't you? Be a self sufficient woman, you are a century behind the times. You know darn well it takes 2 parents working to make it these days. :|

Re: Live in motels

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:20 am
by Erin Robinson
I need somewhere to live with my three kids, other than a motel. We just moved here from 300 miles away looking for somewhere near Grand rivers close to my aunt. I came here for more family support. My kids and me suffered a great lose. My 2 year old passed away. My husband died 22 days later .
It was hard for all of us. I came here to this motel for a new start a better place to live raise my children. We are driving great distance to get the kids to school. I have limited resources and going to start a job in March but until then shuffling from house to house. It is hard and trying to find gas money every day is hard. I been scrapping for money. Please help.