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Need help FAST

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:04 pm
by LindsayV
Hi, my husband got laid off from his work the beginning of October and hasn't been able to find employment since. Let me also throw in that he has also exhausted all his unemployment benefits. I have been looking for work ever since we moved to the Hampshire County, Massachusetts area. We went to our local welfair office to see if we qualifyed for food stamps, cash assistance and Mass Health. To make a long story short we did qualify for everything including emergancy food stamps which we have used and no longer have. My case worker needed one simple form faxed to her and we supplyed that to her in order to get the ball rolling with all this. Needless to say, she's never in her office and her supervisor never calls us back as we'v been banging down his door to get this moving along. I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. I have a 6 and 4 yr old who needs to see a dr, rent is overdue, quickly running out of food, utilities are being shut off by the end of the month if not paid and it's the beginning of November and I still don't have my heat turned on. The heat is propane and to get service started I must pay a one time $300 start up fee. I don't have this kind of money.

Re: Need help FAST

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:59 am
by Admin
Sounds like you need help with a lot of items. Heating aid is more easily readily available, especially in Massachusetts and Hampshire County. Free food can also be obtained. A job may be more difficult, as many people are looking for employment. Most places may not turn heat off during the winter.
Some places to contact in your County for fast help include the following:
Hilltown Community Development Corporation at 413-296-4536 - emergency assistance and advice
Salvation Army of Hampshire County May have limited funds for paying rent, energy, and utility bills. Heating aid and oil may be available
Also try the Hampshire County Community Action Agency phone (413) 774-2318 for advice and help paying bills ... ce_pr.html
LindsayV wrote:Hi, my husband got laid off from his work the beginning of October and hasn't been able to find employment since. Let me also throw in that he has also exhausted all his unemployment benefits. I have been looking for work ever since we moved to the Hampshire County, Massachusetts area. We went to our local welfair office to see if we qualifyed for food stamps, cash assistance and Mass Health. To make a long story short we did qualify for everything including emergancy food stamps which we have used and no longer have. My case worker needed one simple form faxed to her and we supplyed that to her in order to get the ball rolling with all this. Needless to say, she's never in her office and her supervisor never calls us back as we'v been banging down his door to get this moving along. I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. I have a 6 and 4 yr old who needs to see a dr, rent is overdue, quickly running out of food, utilities are being shut off by the end of the month if not paid and it's the beginning of November and I still don't have my heat turned on. The heat is propane and to get service started I must pay a one time $300 start up fee. I don't have this kind of money.

Re: Need help FAST

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:51 am
by Smith99
Thank you for responding.
Things have started shutting off.
The cable with the internet went last week (which is why it has taken
me so long to reply).
The phone went this morning (incoming calls only).
Mom told me this morning that thay plan to turn off the electricity on the 13th.
She is also late on rent acruing $10 per day late fee until she gets
her social security check on the 19th of each month.
Are any of these matters things you can help with?
I will try and navigate your company's website with my blackberry phone.
Thank you.

Re: Need help FAST

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:44 am
by Admin
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like you are persistent, which is great. Also be persistent in looking for employment! In the meantime some other places to try to call are on this link. Try calling the Salvation Army of Hampshire County, which can be reached at 413-586-5243. Another option is Northampton Survival Center (phone number 413-586-6564). Both offer various counseling, information on assistance programs, rent and housing help, and may help you deal with the government agencies. ... ce_pr.html
LindsayV wrote:Hi, my husband got laid off from his work the beginning of October and hasn't been able to find employment since. Let me also throw in that he has also exhausted all his unemployment benefits. I have been looking for work ever since we moved to the Hampshire County, Massachusetts area. We went to our local welfair office to see if we qualifyed for food stamps, cash assistance and Mass Health. To make a long story short we did qualify for everything including emergancy food stamps which we have used and no longer have. My case worker needed one simple form faxed to her and we supplyed that to her in order to get the ball rolling with all this. Needless to say, she's never in her office and her supervisor never calls us back as we'v been banging down his door to get this moving along. I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. I have a 6 and 4 yr old who needs to see a dr, rent is overdue, quickly running out of food, utilities are being shut off by the end of the month if not paid and it's the beginning of November and I still don't have my heat turned on. The heat is propane and to get service started I must pay a one time $300 start up fee. I don't have this kind of money.