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Re: christmas help

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:57 am
by DeeDee
Single mom of 5 with baby number 6 due any day this month. Rent is due with Christmas coming up. I am begging from the bottom of my heart please if there's anyone who can refer me to get help on my rent. I do not have section 8 or low income. I am struggling and rent is 700$.
I cannot afford this month. I HAVE tried so hard every day to apply for housing voucher. I have sleepless nights and I will not give up but if there is help out there or available with rent and food what exactly would I need I do not receive WIC. Dear God please help me it's so hard to provide please contact me ASAP ....happy holidays.

Re: christmas help

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:25 pm
by Joaquin
My ten year old grandson needs Xmas gifts. My daughter was on unemployment and it has stopped. She has been looking for work.
She is a single mom who has worked full-time while putting herself thru school to continue her education to better herself and I am in disability and my check goes to put a roof over my head. She has recently became homeless and us going from coach to coach. I'm not proud to say I am an addict now in recovery but I have not been able to give her the life she deserves.
She is alone with her son and has done a great job with him an she has never broken a law she stayed in school and has continue on with getting her degree. She has recently gone to transitional assistance but that will not start for a few weeks so anything would be greatly appreciated. He is a bright sweet ten year old boy who loves Pokémon and Mine-craft he is in a size ten pants. He needs medium boys shirt and anything would help.