Plumbing help

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Plumbing help

Post by bluegourami3 »

During Hurrican Irene, rain backed up into my basement sewer. I have poured chemicals down pipe, plunged and a neighbor came to help with plunging as I had carpel tunnel surgery and don't have the strength for this, we deduced that there is a buildup of water in the vent pipe that runs to the roof, and needs to be cleared out. I can't get on roof. I have been unemployed for 3 yrs off and on and don't have income for extra's like this. I am going back to school to help me get more skills to obtain fulltime work. Does anyone know of organizations or people out there that will help me out. Thank you.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by bluegourami3 »

During Hurrican Irene, rain backed up into my basement sewer. I have poured chemicals down pipe, plunged and a neighbor came to help with plunging as I had carpel tunnel surgery and don't have the strength for this, we deduced that there is a buildup of water in the vent pipe that runs to the roof, and needs to be cleared out. I can't get on roof. I have been unemployed for 3 yrs off and on and don't have income for extra's like this. I am going back to school to help me get more skills to obtain fulltime work. Does anyone know of organizations or people out there that will help me out. Thank you I live in Delaware
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by And_Friends »

I am a disabled mom and my "husband" is not currently working... I have a big problem in my bathrooms... is horrible, we can't still living like this but I have no money to afford a contractor to come and fix it... the bathtub of my kids is like cracked and with very humid and the tiles came apart, is like need to fix something there and I can't really describe, mine is coming apart, the walls from the shower broke and I am afraid the water can damage something else.... that is my main concern, without the other thing that is the windows, those are very old and in the girls room is like air come in and out :( but I have no idea where to look for help... Also my septic tank need to be connect to the sewer but I can't afford it and sometimes the black water come out the toilet... can you help me? That is without saying that the income is only $736 monthly and is like we can't pay everything, so we got behind in a lot of payments and need a counselor to see if bankruptcy is good for us.. but we don't want to lose the house and vehicles. My husband still active looking for job but he have a problem in his shoulder and also applying for disability. So is a very very difficult time for us and we feel like trapped in between the sword and the wall. My depression is getting worst. Can you help us or know somebody that can? Somebody told me to email social services and what they did was to open a negligent record, but when the social worker came told me that is not a negligent or kids in danger, just a poor family with need of help, but they were unable to help. Also the county send a inspector for the sewer thing and told me they don't gonna force us to connect to the sewer but if black water hit the ground they will and that is something we can't really afford. Is a very very difficult thing and time for us. I have 2 teenagers and a young daughter and that don't do it easier for my condition. My house needs a lot of repair but my main concern are the bathrooms and plumbing right now. And we don't qualify for the Loan as 1% of the government :( I feel going into a black hole and nobody can help me go out. My stove is old and not all of the burners work, my refrigerator is also old and kind of small, but a friend fixed it for me and told me it can last like 2 years hopefully. I really don't know where to look or where to go. Just wondering if there is SOMEBODY out there that can help us. I had emailed a lot of places and is like a hot potato they tell me to contact other people, and so so... Please advise me what can I do?
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by bluegourami3 »

That's why I didn't call my sewer company, when Hurricane Irene hit the Delaware area, and my sewer backed up into my basement, they could evict you for non-habitable house. And then where would I go, because here it is now April 2012 and I still can't afford to have it fixed, but oh yeah, I'd still have to pay the mortgage and everything else. Thank you gov't and big corporations for getting us in this mess, bailing out the big guys, so they can pay thoses year end bonuses, but nothing for the little guy.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by BrentLavara1 »

To Whom It May Concern:
I am a single, 54 year old woman on disability residing in my own home, in Ruidoso, Lincoln County, NM
I need help to repair my natural gas, plumbing to toilet and water lines.
My natural gas line was damaged in September 2013 and my water pipes were damaged in November 2013.
My gas and water bills are paid in full to date, but I have no natural gas or running water because I cannot afford to hire a plumber to repair the pipes, the local churches have no available help nor can I find a neighbor or friend willing to assist me.
I would appreciate your recommendation as to who may assist me with physical or financial help in making the repairs.
Thank you for your time and attention to this urgent matter.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by Admin »

Home repair programs are very, very rare. We do have some possible referrals agencies though.
First, try a community action agency in New Mexico. This page has more information on who to try, including which agency in Lincoln County.
There are some programs for the disabled too. Several government agencies in New Mexico may have suggestions for you. Or maybe they have ideas on grants you can apply too. Find New Mexico disability programs.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by Municex »

I am disabled an only get 894.00 a month. I have been without hot water for 2 months...I called a plumber the charge is between 500 and 700. There is no way I can afford there anything you can help me with> Where I can pay a little back a month as a loan....Something. Please help.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by PRLong »

Thank you in advance, as I’m not even sure what this organization does. My problem is a plumbing problem that cost more than we can afford. If they let us do credit payments, we could, but our credit is shot. We do have enough to work with usually.
But the month of January was especially rough as I needed to make up for four months of “behind” payments on mortgage and car that belong to my daughter. I live at the same address so felt it was my duty, of which I am OK with. But then like I said, the plumbing problem arose, and I had no funds to even help. Is there anyway you can help us?
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Re: Plumbing help exist for repairs

Post by Marthester5 »

I have a sewer issue at my home since 12/23/23. I have a warranty company but nobody is willing to work with them because it takes too long to get paid.
I work a full time job for State of NV and a part time job at 15 hours a week. I can not afford the price of a plumber to come fix the issue.
I have 3 children at home & am in desperate need for help from a plumber for sewer repairs. We have the one bathroom & it's not working. I've been taking the kids to friends houses to shower but I need help getting my plumbing fixed please.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by coffeemate »

My name is Debra. I am going through some very hard times. I have 2 kids, Jordyn and Bryce. They are 10 and 8 years old. Their father is in jail and I am not receiving child support. I am trying to find some help for SSI and a plumber to fix and unclog my pipes. I have a past due on my water bill to Monaca. It is due on April 30th. Do you offer assistance with plumbing? The pipes are clogged and I cannot flush the toilet or other things such as dishes and shower. I live in Monaca. Thank you for anything you can do.
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Re: Plumbing help

Post by Solazola »

My name is Amber, and I came across your website in search of assistance with our plumbing.
We have recently relocated to North Dakota from Nevada and purchased a home for the first time. We lived in Nevada forever, however, with the rising costs of living, I was forced to resign from my job working for the state and cash out my pers retirement so we could relocate to a more affordable state. My husband is now disabled and unable to work, and has his social security disability case in pending status right now. Every penny we had in my retirement account was spent on purchasing this house and paying for the truck to move here so we need help to fix the plumbing which we can't afford. I do have a job with the county/state here in ND, however, I have not started yet and do not know when I will be starting, as I am in the background review process currently.
The house we purchased was as is, and we are having severe plumbing issues, as the house has sat unoccupied for the last 13 years. Sewage is backing up into our basement, shower, sink and toilet and we do not have any money to fix it. We are very afraid we cannot live here if plumbing work not done and have nowhere to go. This is all we have.
If there is any assistance or referrals to assistance you could possibly help us with, we would be so grateful as we are in dire need of some help.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing back from you,
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