Stuff stolen at laundromat

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Stuff stolen at laundromat

Post by Santelli »

Hello, The Mojave department of Human Services gave me your information. I called the number they gave me and nobody answered. I found you on the website it said Fresno and Kern County. I am in Kern County but not Fresno and we need all new clothes and stuff as our items were stolen at the laundromat. I am in Mojave, California.
I am at a motel because my landlord made me leave my apartment. He had been trying to get rid of me since June, but he had no valid reason to evict me. He was able to persuade an elderly woman who lives there to back him up a Week ago Sunday when he called the police on me. She admittedly holds a grudge against me because I used to leave the laundry room tied up with my clothes in it. She was always complaining about my wash being in the machine, and I really regret that so the lady stole my stuff. I left a note saying that I would no longer use the machines, but last week all of our clothes were dirty and I was forced to use it. My boyfriend would not take me to a laundromat. Well I used the machine, and sure enough- as soon as I did she was on the phone again to the landlord threatening to move out.
They were outside when the police came and the landlord told misrepresented the entire situation and my behavior ( I am neither psychotic nor do I have "fits" as he claimed. The lady was out there yelling at me, and the landlord as well and I was terrified. He told the police that I did not live there, and I have lived there since January. Well I was really frightened, so I let them take me to a hotel where I spent the last money I had in the world to stay for one week. My boyfriend was very afraid of getting thrown out himself if we reported the laundromat issue so I received no support from him. Well in a desperate situation like that if one cannot rely on one's life partner, then one is most assuredly in a big spot of trouble. I have been calling for help all over, but only Friday did I find out about the DHS in Mojave here. It was too late Friday, so I called them this morning. I do not have a car to get there, and checkout time was 11:00 here I am thirty minutes past getting thrown out of my hotel room
 I have 43 cents left and I am presently nearing the end of my tether and do not know what to do. Thank you. I really appreciate anything you can do. I am going you
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Re: Stuff stolen at laundromat

Post by Magic »

My name is Lesa. I need all kinds of help. I'm educated, but, I live in an area with no transportation and lots of crime. My stuff was stolen from my home last year now my clothes from a laundromat. I cant afford a car to get to a job to help pay for the car or even get one. I'm stuck. No way out of this crime ridden area. I moved to WV because my sister became terminally ill. I packed what little I had in NH ,drove 18hrs to get to her. Now I'm living in her apartment with community action of Parsons being my landlords. Its extremely hard living in my
Sisters apartment where she lived and actually passed away. I'm trying to make it a go here, but, I can't. No transportation, not enough money to pay my Bill's here and trying to pay off my Bill's hopefully back in NH, I'm left with nothing after multiple robberies and laundromat issue. I need help. Nobody here in Parsons WV has offered any kind of help
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Re: Stuff stolen at laundromat

Post by Wegerski »

I live in Pasco county, Fl. My electric will be turned off in May 27th as my ID was stolen at the laundromat(with my clothes) and with no ID I got fired. I’ve exhausted my extension. I have all verifications needed from the police report I filed after my stuff was ripped out of the dryer at the laundromat.
Please help .I can’t borrow anymore money from my daughter.
I’ve been calling places everyday. I’m a 60 year old disabled woman. I’m in need of sone serous help and my health isn’t good.
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