Loan for Extended Stay Hotel

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Loan for Extended Stay Hotel

Post by Keagan »

This is one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever had to do because I never like asking for help. And I hate loans.
I have always felt that as long as I am physically and mentally able I could do for myself, take care of my sick mom, and help others whenever possible. I never thought I would be asking for a loan for an extended stay hotel.
However, this past couple of weeks has been a watershed period for me. About a year and a half ago my mom got sick which led to her having to retire from the workforce. At this same time I lost my job due to COVID and was struggling to find something. We got so behind that we lost our house in foreclosure. We couldn’t find an apartment..paying 15-25 dollar application fees left and right to only be denied because between my check and my moms social security check she had just gotten at the time we couldn’t meet the expectation of making 5 times the cost of the rent or some other crazy expectation…$400 later it started feeling like we were just being scammed by application fees. We finally had to settle on moving into an Extended stay.
It was expensive but we were out of time and $400 poorer from application fees. Fast forward to today and I now need a loan for that Extended Stay…we are still at the extended stay. Everything has been ok until last week. Every 2 weeks after taxes I make between 980 and 910. Well I was not informed that my bank had adjusted my routing number so my direct deposit did not go through on Wednesday. Instead I received a paper check on Friday. By then i had a few scheduled payments for Wednesday on my pay day. By Friday between those payments, fees for my account being put in the negative (-$270), the money I had to borrow to pay for one day at the Extended Stay which is a lot more than paying for the week at one time(-$115), and finally the rent I finally was able to pay for the week (-$420) I was already short the $420 I would need for this week not even considering food etc.. I have tried to get a payday loan but because I received that paper check instead of my usual direct deposits it is throwing up red flags which is leading to me being denied.
I don’t know what to do. I contacted one of the churches on the site Our Lady Mercy I believe but they said they didn’t cover North Charleston but only Johns Island and that by the end of the month funds were usually depleted. My mom is in no condition to be homeless, but I am lost. I have tried every avenue possible way to get a loan for an Extended Stay Hotel. I have picked up a second job but it still does not help me for Friday when our weekly payment of $420 is due. I get paid again next week and my mom receives her social security check the following week so we will be fine if we can just find someone or somewhere that will help us Friday. I hope you have some resources that could potentially help us with $420. Even a loan would be fine…I just want to keep my elderly/sick mom off the streets. It’s the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. I hope you have some information that can help me. I can’t tell you how much any help would mean to me.
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Re: Loan for Extended Stay Hotel

Post by Admin »

Maybe try one of the charitable, no interest loan programs. As some churches, platforms, or even credit unions provide 0% APR loans to low-income families, and of course you can use the money for an extended stay. Look here for more details on an interest free loan.
Amber Tooley
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Re: Loan for Extended Stay Hotel

Post by Amber Tooley »

I am reaching out about getting a loan for down payment assistance and rent to get me and my Daughter from being homeless and into an Extended Stay Hotel. I have found a Extended Stay Hotel that will take my section 8 but I will lose it soon if I can not find funding to do so, as the hotels here use section 8 too. I would have it but we are currently staying in a cheap motel and it is draining my pockets as fast as I can earn it. I have the application but I know that they will not hold the property for long and the loan will help us move now. This is the link to the property that I have found and is right across the street from Eaglecrest and will put us in a much better place. Please let me know what I need to do as far as paperwork for loan or anything as we need this Extended Stay Hotel so very badly to be successful. I have also attached the voucher that I would receive from Section 8 to make it possible for us to continue to be successful. Please let me know what I need to do. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for anything that you are able to do.
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