Working in Pennsylvania but still need security deposit paid

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Working in Pennsylvania but still need security deposit paid

Post by Nomura12 »

Hi, I have a question about getting information on how to get help with down payment and security deposit to move into a home located in Cumberland County Pennsylvania. The situation we are in is that we have to move ASAP due to the passing of our landlord and everything including where we are currently at now is being sold. If someone could please email me back as soon as possible I would really appreciate it.
The current situation we are in now we are, we are still currently staying in York Pennsylvania due to our 2 children attending school but after April 30 we will not have a place live in which is due to it being sold as mentioned above due to our landlord passing away and she left everything to the SPCA which includes all the residences she owned. Another reason is that we found a few homes in Cumberland county we just need assistance in being able to move into one.
My husband does work and we are trying to get money saved for the security deposit and first month’s rent to move in but that is what we are trying to get help with, because my children and family has been through a rough enough time already so if you can help it would be great. Please email or call ASAP and let me know what I would need to do and if it's possible to get help/assistance. Thanks.
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Re: Working in Pennsylvania but still need security deposit paid

Post by AFCcontender »

Hi, I'm pregnant and I really need help. I stay sometimes at my aunt's house and sometimes my family gives me money to stay in hotels so I won't be in the street. I saw these apartments. They were nice but I don't have the money. I have my disability check but I used it to stay in hotels and around so I don't have the money to get the apartment but I really want it. Please help me with the rent and deposit. If you have any questions please contact me.
Please I really need help. I'm not from here. I'm from Lancaster PA. Thank you for your time. May god bless you. Please contact me I need any help possible, thanks again.
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Re: Working in Pennsylvania but still need security deposit paid

Post by Admin »

So you are moving across the state of Pennsylvania? You are more than likely familiar with the social services in the state then. So you know you have options. But there are various homeless prevention and rehousing programs in the region. Since you have 2 kids, and your husband works, they may give you priority as well. So give them a call, then try a Cumberland County security deposit assistance program.
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Re: Working in Pennsylvania but still need security deposit paid

Post by Joanne »

Hi. I'm a 43 year old mother of 2 who recently was hit by a man I was with for 6 years. 2 weeks later my landlord sold the house we are renting. I work full time as a hairstylist. I don't make great money but plan on looking for another job. I need help with deposit for on new place. I never asked for help. I currently live in Salisbury township Pennsylvania and would like to keep son in district. I'm not sure what I'm asking for I just need help some guidance.
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