Greyhound ticket to travel between states

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Greyhound ticket to travel between states

Post by TimMac »

To whom it may concern,
There is a young man age 23 who is stranded in Lakeland, FL and needs/wants to go home to New Orleans, LA but has no money to purchase a Greyhound bus ticket. This man is currently in danger of becoming another homeless citizen of Lakeland, FL and is living off the sidewalks of downtown Lakeland at this moment.
Is there anyone who knows a way that he can get home? His family cannot afford, nor he afford to get the ticket and during an untimely turn of events - his (step) uncle threw him out onto the streets in a city he does not know. He has a valid drivers license, but has lost his social security card.
If anyone knows of any assistance, please contact back immediately. Thank you, sincerely.
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Re: Greyhound ticket to travel between states

Post by Janel »

I lost my job, the injured my foot, a friend allowed me to sleep on her love seat, but now that I have stitched my foot cannot work. She is upset, and making little comments that I need to move. I do not at this time receive food stamps.
I have a brother in Monroe WA says I can stay with him, but he does not have the funds to get me here, by greyhound it is 136. A ticket I am trying to get out there, and I am healed, I can find work out there, I was only working temp jobs and was not getting many hours, and I had been paying her 400. For sleeping on the sofa, my phone Has since been turned off.
Email is the only way to contact me. If I could get help with a greyhound ticket there it would be so much help, to getting back on my feet. I am not worried about getting a job there, I have a lot of experience in CSR and working with the government. Just went on hard times, after divorce, my sister died and not an injured foot. Please help if you can.
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