Job so I can fix my home or more

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Job so I can fix my home or more

Post by Macie »

To tell you a little bit about my children. One is a diva
with a loud and proud personality. She enjoys singing and dancing non stop, all day, until she can
barely keep her eyes open. She has the most spontaneous, adventurous outlook on life, and she never
leaves you with a dull moment. She is the living embodiment of Queen Elsa right now, constantly
singing, "let it go", and wears her Elsa costume while watching "Frozen" on repeat. Another son...well, what is there to say about a 6 year old that hasn't already been said? He is rambunctious, loud, rough, destructive, but at the same time he's a cuddle bug, affectionate, loves tickle fights
and he was the biggest of them all. He is all boy, tough as
nails, and stubborn at times.
Now the third boy is quite the opposite of his other two siblings. Even
as a newborn, he was different. He never cried, always quiet, slept a lot, and usually very happy
when he was awake and about. Nathan continued to be very quiet all the way up until he was 5, and
that's when I began to be concerned about why he wasn't talking. The only real way he had of
communicating was usually grunts, & tantrums. The tantrums would become self violent, with him
slapping or punching himself, and slamming his head on walls or floors. I started to suspect autism
because, as well as his tantrums and non verbalization, he was obsessed with cars and trains, but
primarily with the wheels of them, not the actual whole toy. He would line them up in straight
lines and order them from small to large or color coordinate them. When he was in kindergarten he
was finally diagnosed with a mild form of autism spectrum disorder.
He's been in therapy for a
while, almost 4 years now and its helped him to come out of his shell, but he is still very distant
from new people and is cautious towards them until he gets used to them. Most of the time he
likes to play his video games and play with his lego's. He absolutely loves his Xbox above all things
though, and he loves new games with partners who know how to play well. He's very loving and sweet
natured also. He struggles very, very much in school with most subjects and they want to hold him
back in 1st grade for the next school year, and I have no way to afford a tutor for him.
What has led me to write this letter today is that for the past 5 years my life has gradually
gotten to the point I'm at now, rock bottom. A few months into my pregnancy, an ultrasound
revealed I had placenta previa. This is when the placenta covers the cervix/birth canal and could
cause delivery complications if it doesn't move in time. The doctor suggested I take a break from
work because it could possibly internal and external bleeding that could kill the baby and myself if
I over exert myself or have too much stress. Eventually the issue cleared up on it's on, but by that
time I was 7 months pregnant. Most places were too nervous to hire me or let me come back. They
never actually said that was the reason, but I pretty much figure it was. I don't blame them really
I understand they were probably nervous I would fall and get hurt. Either way though, I was unable
to find a job. When he was born he was breast fed, so that made it nearly impossible to go back
to work then. Since then it's been one thing after another.
Two months after my son was born my vehicle had just quit, it had been breaking down before
hand. As soon as I would pay to fix one thing, something else would break on the van. Finally I had
no money to be able to get it fixed and I was in a bad situation financially. I ended up scrapping
the van for $400 to help pay some bills that month and buy groceries. My house is outside city limits
and nearly 10 miles or so from the nearest place of business, so I'm not able to walk to and from
a job. I've been struggling for a while now trying to come up with money for my kids and the bills.
I've had to ask my church, which is Christian based, help me with Christmas gift's in 2014 and
help pay my light bill. Otherwise my children wouldn't have gotten much, if anything that Christmas
and we would have had our power cut off. Little by little things were just getting worse and more
difficult to manage. I rely on food stamps, food banks, and food drives to provide plenty of food
for my babies. I also rely on my child support to help pay the bills, Nathan's father pay's $50
a month, and my ex husband pays $250 a month so I often rent my spare room out to relatives or my
brother to bring in extra money.
My real reason for writing & asking for help isn't really about all of the above though. My
biggest issue is the condition of our home. Our home is crumbling down all around us, a little more
every day. To tell you all the problems will take a while, so brace yourself. My number one thing
right now, is my property taxes are past due, and I'm afraid my house will be forclosed on. Next, is
the siding on my house. It's some sort of wood type, particle board like siding that is just buckled
up and wrapped out leaving gaps and crack in the side and up under the roof. chunks around the bottom
are falling off and crumbling to pieces off the house. I have multiple birds and nests up in the siding
and roof, that pull out and tear up what little bit of insulation I have left. Most of my windows leak
whenever it rains and I have to lodge sticks or wood planks over them to keep them from being easily
pushed up and someone coming in. They're so old they can't properly lock or latch down anymore.
I'm have pretty big issues with my electricity, I had went a little over a year with no electricity
on half of my house. Having to run drop cords from one side to the other to have lights on the front
side of the house. Even before and now after that problem was fixed I'm not able to plug in more
than one electric heater or even use my blow dryer on the front side of the house with blowing the
breaker. I mostly just blow dry my hair in the kitchen. Sometimes the two bathrooms will spontaneously
lose power and I have go hit a reset button in the master bathroom. There's two bathrooms in my house
but right now the only usable bathroom is the secondary guest bathroom.
The house has no central heat or air, I have dual heat and air window units, one in the living
room and one in my daughters room which is right beside my room, so I can get a little heat/ac if I leave
my door open. My other sources for heat and air are two regular ac only window units, and one good sized
electric plug in heater. I keep one AC unit in the boys room and the heater facing their room as well
because the two rooms on that end of the house are the hottest during the summer and the coldest in the
winter. The children's rooms have no doors nor does the utility room, due to previous roommates destroying
my property or their dogs chewing and destroying my property. My bedroom door and both bathroom doors
can't properly and/or fully shut and lock.
My back door is busted up and ragged, it's just barely
hanging on by a thread. It also won't latch unless I dead bolt it, and the glass window is held in by
duct tape and clear caulking, because the frame is busted and broken off the door. The front door thresh
hold is broken and bends down so you can't shut the door unless you kick and push it back into place.
It also has a large gap from under the door to the floor, so during the winter I have to roll up a
thick blanket and put it up against the bottom of the door to keep the cold air out. Due to old and
worn out insulation, it's very difficult to keep the house cool or warm enough. Often during the winter
when it hit freezing temps I resort to boiling water on the stove and because my dryer is not properly
connected to the hose in the back I use that to my advantage when drying clothes to keep the house
warm. It was so cold during winter 2013-2014 that me and the children stayed sick with colds and flu
for nearly the entire winter. My youngest daughter, ended up getting RSV and because I thought it was a
cold for a while I was almost too late when I brought him to the hospital. Rhylan had to go to Greenville
South Carolina's pediatric intensive care unit for a week and had to be on oxygen, because he couldn't
breathe on his own hardly at all.
The flooring and subflooring in our home is in very bad condition. So far all I can really do
is just replace the spots as they rot and fall in. Just a few years ago one whole entire side of the
house long ways fell through to the ground and I had to replace all the subflooring and completely
gut out my entire kitchen leaving nothing but the small part of counter that holds the sink.
The part holding the sink is held up by piece of plywood and two 2x4's. I have no bottom cabinets
except for a child's bedroom cabinet and toy divider that I have slid up under the counter. My entire
hallway and entrance just before the hallway was recently replaced because it had fell through and all
that was keeping us from falling through was the carpet, that I had to tear and cut out. The bathroom
floor in the only usable bathroom also fell in and most of the flooring was hastily put in by amatuers.
Leaving gaps and cracks a plenty throughout the flooring. I have most of it covered with small rugs and
and fragments of leftover carpeting someone gave me through the hall. I have a soft spot in the flooring
under the carpet in the spare room and in my boys's room because the water heater has started leaking.
Due to frequents leaks and pipes bursting nearly every winter, along with multiple cracks and
gaps in the flooring and outside, we now have a serious roach infestation throughout the house. I have
to constantly wipe counters and tables every few hours. We have to put all food in plastic or tightly
sealed containers and put all food items in the fridge to prevent contamination from roches and mice.
I have to immediately wash any dish as soon as someone is finished using it to keep from drawing out
roaches. If any drink or food items are left out unattended for even a few minutes, roaches will
be crawling all over it and floating in our drinks. The ingestion has escalated to extremes at times
that they started crawling in my baby's crib and biting him. Yes, roaches can bite, and I never knew
that myself until his pediatrician told me that all the hundreds of red swollen bumps all over his
legs and torso were bug bites. The only bugs I have in the house are the roaches and I looked it up
to find out that they do in fact bite.
Basically, my house is probably better burned down and a new one built from scratch, but I
really have no way to be able to afford that either. I've just been making due for now, keeping blankets
and sheets wrapped over the windows to insulate them and stuffing sheets and duct taping around the
window units to seal all the gaps around them. I'm in desperate need of help. Anything you can do
to help would be so greatly appreciated more than you could ever imagine. I'm really stuck between
a rock and a hard place right now and it's so overwhelming trying to figure out where to start.
I want to get a job so badly but I don't have any source of transportation right now and I get afford
to buy a vehicle if I don't get a job. Not to mention I can't afford to put my youngest in daycare
for even a week, just to look for a job or start a job. I just fell down into this place and I am
lost as to finding a way out. I beg for any help at this point, and I'm willing to comply with anything
at all to get help.
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Re: Job so I can fix my home or more

Post by Techstate »

Hello, I am looking to move into a trailer in Carter Lake, Iowa where I am seeing a job. I need help paying for the deposit and fixes to the home The deposit is the first month’s rent which is 600$. I have a 3 year old boy and I'm also 6 months pregnant so money is a bit tight and I have no job either. I am accept for SIRHA which is a big help. Just wondering if you guys did anything to help pay deposits or fixes to my home.
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