Spine and back issue

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Spine and back issue

Post by Reiner »

I have 3 children and my husband is an unemployed coal miner with a bad back. It is so hard to find work and we are trying. I'm trying to go back to school. I'm so scared that my kids won't have a Christmas, if you could please help us in any way. I have a 1 year old, a 8 year old and a 14 year old. My kids are my life and I'm trying so hard to just get by my husband's health. It is bad and he has a Mass on his spine. There is also 8 different doctors telling him not to work but if he can find work he will work. He's signed up on his social security but it’s been 5 years and we are struggling.
Sam Tool
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Re: Spine and back issue

Post by Sam Tool »

We live in southern California and traveling through Idaho headed to Oregon. Stopped in to take our puppy potty when we Hit a pile of asphalt in road totaled jeep, girlfriend broke back admitted to hospital for 9 days. Had spleen removed, cracked ribs, fractured spine...? We lost all of our personal belongings after I had to leave hotel because I couldn't pay and had no vehicle to store items. Stranded in twin falls, with a bad spine, with nowhere to go and no one to call.
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Re: Spine and back issue

Post by Admin »

There are tons of clinics in California. Assume some by that town too. Call them. Maybe they can help with your spine issue. Find details here at free community clinics in California.
Sam Tool wrote:We live in southern California. Stranded in twin falls, with a bad spine, with nowhere to go and no one to call.
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Re: Spine and back issue

Post by DuhDuh »

My name is Leslie Fulton and I was forced to close my business doors on March 17th due to the COVID-19, then I hurt my back and spine.
As I view your website I find that it may be possible for you to help me with the upcoming bills I will be receiving. Because I have not received any income in the past 2 weeks and it is looking as if I will not be receiving income in the upcoming month, any assistance would be immensely appreciated
I am in great hopes that due to this coronavirus I will not lose my business and that my back will slowly heal.
Thank you for any time and assistance you can give me.
Soup and Sandwich
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Re: Spine and back issue

Post by Soup and Sandwich »

I have nowhere to go. I have no family. My dog and myself were evicted JUNE the 30th. We are suffering so much. We couldn't pay our rent or electric bill. He knew we were stuck from an abusive marriage. My landlord can be nice but, he can be verbally abusive. I am a 62 year old female. (This seems to be problem in the last 18 months.) I've worked 25 years. I've never needed help before from anybody.
My ex husband planned this evil divorce. This left me homeless and penny less with my back injuries and hurt spine. I do get SNAP. My psychiatrist is writing me a letter for my PTSD, and my mental health. I'm on several meds that I can't afford. I'm on Adderall, klonopin, for severe anxiety etc:
I suffer from 2 lower back injuries. I am diabetic, and high blood pressure. How, HOW! Could no one help me?
I never intended to end up this way. I've paid my taxes. I was a nurse, I am, very caring and loving. I have no one to help me. Nothing?
My best friend lives in Bryant AK. She wants me to be near her, I am always falling. When I'm sick I have no one.
She's so worried about me.my
She has contacted several governments in AK. Near where she lives. A woman she spoke to today and, she said there is nothing anymore????????
Open boarders has been given everything!!!!!!!!!!
I don't even have a parking ticket. I am a legal citizen of the United States. I am in desperate need!!!!!!
I don't know what's real on these sites. Yet, nobody will take the time to help me what I could be qualified for. I earn 240.00 a month.
I praying someone will come to my aid to truly help me. I will become another statistic.
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