Unemployed and need medical bill help

People who need medical bill assistance.
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Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by lesliaklendman »

I live in new jersey, got hurt may 29th 2009, had l5/s1 fusion, reached mmi on july the 9th 2010. so my checks stopped doctor gave restrictions of no lifting 20 lbs, work cant take me back. my medical bills are killing me. i filed for unemployment, now there saying im not eleigible because the claim was flied in july and they only go back to april 1st 2009 untill july 2009, i got hurt on may 29th, so thats not enough weeks, even though i started my job june 28th 2008, if i got released in june i would have gotting it because they would have went back to jan 1st 2009 in wich i would had enough weekds. The thing that gets me is the doc was going to release me in june but the nurse case manager forget to send the fce report over so they made me come back in a couple weeks wich put me into july. JUst isnt right, i need help? I even went to social services to apply for wlefare wich i really dont want to do. Ive begged my old boss for work to pay my hospital bills. My rent is due, Im going to loose the car. Does anyone know of anyprograms or grants or anything that can help me just catch up on on moth of bills, and pay off medical debt? please help me.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by Admin »

Hospitals, doctors and health care facilities offer various financial assistance programs and charity aid. So you do have some options. Other things to try may be a medical bill negotiator or advocate. But you should always ask your medical provider about bill payment programs, as most are willing to work with you. They may even have a special program for the unemployed, as they realize the nation is in difficult times right now.
http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... th_ho.html
lesliaklendman wrote:I live in new jersey, got hurt may 29th 2009, had l5/s1 fusion, reached mmi on july the 9th 2010. so my checks stopped doctor gave restrictions of no lifting 20 lbs, work cant take me back. my medical bills are killing me. i filed for unemployment, now there saying im not eleigible because the claim was flied in july and they only go back to april 1st 2009 untill july 2009, i got hurt on may 29th, so thats not enough weeks, even though i started my job june 28th 2008, if i got released in june i would have gotting it because they would have went back to jan 1st 2009 in wich i would had enough weekds. The thing that gets me is the doc was going to release me in june but the nurse case manager forget to send the fce report over so they made me come back in a couple weeks wich put me into july. JUst isnt right, i need help? I even went to social services to apply for wlefare wich i really dont want to do. Ive begged my old boss for work to pay my hospital bills. My rent is due, Im going to loose the car. Does anyone know of anyprograms or grants or anything that can help me just catch up on on moth of bills, and pay off medical debt? please help me.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by lesliaklendman »

I have been unemployed for several months and found out today 1 that I have to have my right kidney removed due to cancer. My insurance is gone, and no way I will be able to pay these medical and doctor bills. It may be many thousands of dollars for this operation. So I need help with them. Also Are there any places I can go for rental assistance. I'm on my own with no help whatsoever. Thank you in Advance
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by Admin »

Sorry to hear that. There are both programs that provide free health care, such as clinics, cancer patient assistance programs, and others. More info is here.
http://needhelppayingbills.com/html/get ... _care.html

However in addition, some charities and aid organizations focus on people with cancer. They may be able to provide meds, and help for living expenses such as rent, energy bills, and other costs. Places like the CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation, which can be called at 1-866-552-6729

http://needhelppayingbills.com/html/hel ... bills.html
lesliaklendman wrote:I have been unemployed for several months and found out today 1 that I have to have my right kidney removed due to cancer. My insurance is gone, and no way I will be able to pay these medical and doctor bills. It may be many thousands of dollars for this operation. So I need help with them. Also Are there any places I can go for rental assistance. I'm on my own with no help whatsoever. Thank you in Advance
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by Chevy »

Have an implant causing extreme havoc and infections in my body,health and family, and I have no job ans no insurance. I need to go to New York City to see a specialist who can remove implant. It was a medical error and should not have been implanted, and was done without my knowledge years ago and did not give consent during a hysterectomy. I need financial help getting to and from New York and need money for the surgery too. I am seeing a doctor there, and need a dr here to referral me to New York so my disability insurance will pay for me to see a doctor. At least I hope that is the case. The NY doctor has the experience and knowledge to remove implant and they have best hospitals there. No dr here, or near me knows how to fix me. Where can I get help to help me afford expenses such as medications, travel, lodging,gas, ect. I just need all of the support and financial help I can get right now as not working either. Please help thank you.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by Admin »

That can be pretty expensive as a lot of traveling. Maybe you want to try some non-profits that focus on helping people with medical conditions. One of them is Patient Services. This will help people cover expenses tied to medical bills. While they focus on the uninsured, maybe others can qualify too. It depends on how expensive your trip to New York may be, but Patient Services may be a good option for you. They may be able to help with surgery costs too.
Chevy wrote:Have an implant causing extreme havoc and infections in my body,health and family, and I have no job ans no insurance. I need to go to New York City to see a specialist who can remove implant. It was a medical error and should not have been implanted, and was done without my knowledge years ago and did not give consent during a hysterectomy. I need financial help getting to and from New York and need money for the surgery too. I am seeing a doctor there, and need a dr here to referral me to New York so my disability insurance will pay for me to see a doctor. At least I hope that is the case. The NY doctor has the experience and knowledge to remove implant and they have best hospitals there. No dr here, or near me knows how to fix me. Where can I get help to help me afford expenses such as medications, travel, lodging,gas, ect. I just need all of the support and financial help I can get right now as not working either. Please help thank you.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by Summer »

I would like to inquire about getting help with a deductible & possible other medical expenses that may also be needed for a surgery I am scheduled for on November 1th 2012. I just finished some basic treatment at the end of July 2012 & at end mid August I found a lump in my back. After antibiotics etc, I was sent to ENT doctor who did biopsy & I have a non-cancer (thank GOD) tumor which has attached itself to the main nerve in my back. The ENT explained it needed to be removed as it will continue to grow & could cause paralysis in the future. They immediately scheduled me for surgery for in November and called today to let me know they contacted my insurance to per-authorize & that I need to meet a $1000 deductible before they will do the surgery. Honestly, I have had so many medical procedures/surgeries in the last 3 years that I just don't know where to turn for ANY medical bill assistance. I am currently dealing with medical bills from the past 2 years that some I am being sued for very soon. My wages will be garnished within the next 3 weeks & I just received a summons on another. I'm thankful that I have insurance but, I have a $1000 deductible then, I have to pay 20 percent of covered procedures until I meet another $1500, then my insurance will pay 100%. I thank you for any information as to where I might find assistance.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by NicoleIa »

None of the medical places on your website help people if they have no income. I just tried calling them to get help for my arm which is injured and getting worse. They said I had to pay eighty dollars and get a notarized letter saying I live at my parent’s house sometimes. I don't have a job and can't find one and had to come to Vegas since I lost my job.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by Admin »

What does your insurance carrier say? As far as someone helping pay an existing medical bill, that is rare. You are better off asking for a payment plan or reduced rate. Or maybe hospitals offer charity care services as well. There are a whole host of resources to try, and find assistance programs for medical costs.
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Re: Unemployed and need medical bill help

Post by JeanPaul »

I am in desperate need of medical assistance. I am unemployed with no income at the moment. I applied for unemployment but it hasn't started yet. I have been calling organizations all throughout the month with no help from anyone. My doctor has already started collection calls, and I just don't know what to do. I live in Houston, TX, Harris county. I just need assistance paying medical bills for myself, and I don't have any family here.
Do you know of any resources that can help me?
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