401K loan

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NHPB has information on loans for struggling people, and read more on getting a loan to pay bills.
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401K loan

Post by Pink »

Hello, I am a stay at home mom of 5 children, ages 6 months to 16 years old. My husband is employed at a Wal-Mart in Curlew, Washington. He works 48 hours a week. We bought our first home last year, because our home is on a river, we have a very high flood insurance and very high property taxes. Our total monthly payment for our home is $1,780. This includes our mortgage payment, property taxes, home owners insurance and flood insurance. The payment is higher as we had bad credit scores...at least the bank told us that.
We brought home a new baby December of this year, although he is such a blessing in our lives, after he was born things changed for my family. I had medical complications, which caused my husband to have to take off almost a month of work and left us with very large medical bills (we have insurance through my husband's work, but we have a $3,500 deducible).
Because my husband had to take off so much work this year, we ended up getting very behind in all our bills. We went from a high credit score and all our bills being current, to our credit score dropping lower than it has ever been and we became months behind on all our bills. We almost had our power shut off twice, almost had our car repossessed and we are currently one month away from foreclosure on our home because we just can't seem to get back on track with those payments. We ended up getting back on track with a few bills, but unfortunately many of our bills went to collections. We are currently two months behind on our car payment and three months behind on our home mortgage.
We have been able to continue to make one payment every month, but can't seem to make two or three payments within one month to get back on track. My husband has the income to make the payments, but we are facing foreclosure and we are lost in how to keep our home. This January we also took out a loan on my husband's 401K and (without talking with me) my husband decided to sign a contact stating that we would pay off the loan in 12 months. I am the one that handles all our finances and he didn't know that we couldn't afford to have this loan paid off in 12 months. Our plan was five years, but now my husband is having over $400 taken out of each of his paychecks that goes to the loan. Fortunately this will be paid off in February, but right now we are short $900 a month going to this loan repayment. This is cutting our income low, to where we are barely getting by. We spoke to the 401 K company and they can't do anything to extend the loan to lower the payments of the loan.
We also went through Loss Mitigation though our bank we have our home Loan through, but we were unable to get any help from them because our mortgage is less than 1/3 of our monthly gross income. But this does not mean to we can make the payments right now. We have also applied for food stamps, which we get $59 a month of. I attend two food banks a week to help with our food supply quite a bit. We have contacted charities, churches, family and friends and we got a little bit of help with a mortgage payment a couple months ago, but right now we are worst off and we are really scared. We fear badly that we are going to lose our home. We have 7 children and we are scared that we soon we won't have a roof over our heads or a vehicle to transport our family in. We own one car, although it seats just five.... We have a family of six and we have an SUV we still owe on. Those payments are $330 a month and we are currently two months behind on those payments.
We have tried everything we can to get back on our feet, but we really need help and I'm not sure where to turn to from here. I'm not even sure if this is the right e-mail to be sending this to.
We get calls from our mortgage company almost every day to remind us we are really behind, and we need to come up with over $5,500 to get out of foreclosure.... I am so scared for my family and I don't know what to do. We know we can get back on our feet and keep our home for our children, but we need help getting caught up... Also by February we will have $900 more a month because our 401 K loan will then be paid off, but I'm nervous that will be too late. We need to get caught up now.
My husband and I are young parents and we have always done everything on our own. We have always helped anyone and everyone when they are in need... We have never reached out for help, because we have always been able to get through everything on our own.... but I'm so sad to say that we need help now. We flat out need help for this 401K loan and other aid, so I am reaching out for my family.
I'm not too proud to ask for help, but I feel as a mother I should be able to support my children and keep them healthy and safe, I feel as though I am failing. We can barely afford food each month to keep our children fed healthy. Although $59 a month helps with food stamps, it doesn't cut it.
We can't afford for me to work since we have 5 children, 2 of them not being in school yet. I had a good job at a local company working as the Law Clerk, but after a year and a half we realized I was strictly working to pay a babysitter and buy gas, as we live in a very secluded area and the nearest 'city' is 40 minutes away. I had to leave my dream job to pursue my true dream job of being a stay at home mom. My husband and I both have a college degree; mine in Criminal Law and my husbands in business and mechanics. Like I stated before, my husband does have a good job which pays good, has medical, vision and dental benefits, a 401K plan and paid sick and vacation days. We are so blessed and thankful that he has a good job to support our children and myself, but even with his high income we absolutely just can't get on our feet after what happened this spring.
Please, if there is any kind of assistance that you can provide for our family... please help us. We need help.
I appreciate the e-mail being read and thought of. Curlew, WA 99118. I will be waiting on a response in some way. Again, thank you so much for your time, and I pray that there is something that can be done to help my husband, children and myself.
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Re: 401K loan

Post by Ditka1 »

I live at Wesley Chapel, Florida 33545
Last year on I fell in a hole on the common grounds of my subdivision. I broke my leg and ankle severely. I just had a second surgery last week in hopes that I will be able to walk and work again. For now my home is in foreclosure. My 401K has been drained trying to pay my mortgage. I have no money for food or electric.
In the last year I have gone through my savings, took out loans and what I had in my 401k. I was working in real estate and of course times were bad for me for the last 5 years before my accident. I have no family that can help and this is the first time I have ever asked for help in my life. I have worked since I was 16 and it's incredibly hard for me to even believe I am in this situation. I'm sure there are many people out there in worse case than myself. Please help me get a loan, I feel I am at the end. Sincerely,
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Re: 401K loan

Post by Denise234 »

In need of help with rent due to some financial struggles going on within the past couple months. I Have had to take out loans from our 401K just to get groceries because utility companies claim to have not gotten their payment when payment has been issued. It upsets me when though we try to pay our bills situations like this arise.
I know we are not the only ones who have fallen in these types of ruts which is why I am here presently to request some help. Our rent is 805 a month and as of right now we are behind by about 325 dollars and the next month’s rent will be due soon as well. I certainly hope we can find some help from somewhere so we can get out of this hole. I thank you for your time so I may explain everything. Hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks.
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Re: 401K loan

Post by Admin »

NEVER, NEVER use a 401K loan. Horrible idea. You will have fees, need to pay taxes, etc. Use any other source of funds first, and we have tons of information on alternative loan programs. You can find a list of loan programs for paying bills and try one or all of them. But of course first try charities, non-profits, etc. as in general any loan should be a last resort.
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Re: 401K loan

Post by Tidd »

I am a temporarily disabled mother of 4 and wife. We are a family of 6 living in a 2 bedroom apartment in Rocklin, CA. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was placed on a forced medical leave of absence, 5 months ago. We have been struggling to survive ever since and I am applying for a loan against my 401K. Unfortunately temporary state disability and my husband working 2 jobs, is still not enough to make ends meet. We are in dire straights today. 3 days ago we were served a 3 day notice from our apartment complex because we were unable to pay the rent. They will file for eviction at the end of business today. The resources we thought we had available did not come through.
I have been to the Human Services office and been denied help because we apparently make too much and have a car so therefore are disqualified. I've contacted many resource agencies, churches and charities but no one has anything to spare at this time. I even applied for a loan against my retirement plan but it has still not been approved nor will not be available in time to save us. I can't sleep until this 401K loan becomes due. I'm afraid that if the eviction gets filed, no one will rent to us in the future. Besides that, my back can't handle another move. I am reaching out in desperation at this point to plead with anyone out there who may have any help for us today. We are praying for a miracle. Please contact me via email or phone with any help.
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Re: 401K loan

Post by Admin »

Taking a loan from a 401K account, or cashing out, is a very bad idea. there are fees, interest charges, maybe taxes due, etc. It is one component of emergency savings. https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/htm ... ncome.html
Try to do whatever you can first before a 401K loan, or really before you borrow money from anywhere.
Tidd wrote: can't sleep until this 401K loan becomes due.
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Re: 401K loan

Post by ashley1 »

Hello, I just got my first apartment and I had to come up with a $1000 for security deposit and I was not aware of the fact that I had to pay a 280 deposit before I can have the electricity on. My only available funds for this type of bill will be from a 401K loan. I don’t have any money at all to pay that deposit because all my money went towards the apartment plus car payments and I don’t have anyone to help me in any way. I need assistance in paying this deposit really bad so I can have the power on soon. Please help me so I do not need to take a 401K, I’m desperate. 
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