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Grad school housing on a low wage

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:33 pm
by Sadir
Good afternoon, I am a recent college graduate and I moved to Dorchester by a friend of mine in holes of graduate school and work. I am supposed to start grad school next year and I am temporarily working at Pret a manger but it is a $10/hr job.
I pay where I am staying $350 a month which is strain full but I get through with it but I don't think I can be here very long again because of circumstances popping up between us and I have no space to live comfortably as I would like to. I am trying to get on my own housing unit but with the job I currently have there is no way that I can. I was referred to this site by someone I know. What type of help is available, if there is any? Would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.