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7 day eviction notice

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:29 am
by The Fire
Good Afternoon,
I am facing eviction at my apartment In the next 7 days, I would like to apply for assistance in hopes of receiving it by Friday December 22nd. I have $1300 saved for my rent I owe $2400 with late fees, court cost plus January rent. I work a full time job. I was terminated from my part time job of four years which was my extra money. I would be so grateful if someone could assist me with paying the remaining balance or assist me in finding the right organization.

Re: 7 day eviction notice

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:27 am
by Paris
I would like some information on how can I get help. I'm am getting evicted from my apartment in 7 days time. I need help pay the rent. I been going through a tough time and I'm in need of help. I have no way of paying my rent right now. I work but I been in a tough situation this past months. If you guys can please help me.

Re: 7 day eviction notice

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:29 pm
by Mr_Smith
Hello, My family and I were recently evicted from our home from a 7 day notice! I don't know what to do! We can't afford to move into another place at this moment! I'm very scared and also have an 8 year old daughter I need to worry about! I don't even know where to go for help! God bless and thank you!

Re: 7 day eviction notice

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:24 pm
by Zach
I have a 7 day eviction notice and I need some assistance with my rent. I would really appreciate your help if you can I'm behind now $2,000. Blah my landlord is really being patient with me but I know he needs his money now. Please help, and thank you.