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Loan needed for electric bills

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:13 am
by shawrah
Good evening,
My name is Kirsten. I am a single working mother of 2 young boys. I was inquiring about where I might be able to find assistance with paying utilities or even maybe a loan of money to pay my electric bill. We are days away from our electric being cut off and I do not have the means to pay it. I do have a full time job I have just had to pay money getting my car fixed unexpectedly and have also had to purchase school supplies for my children.
I know a loan is not idea but it is a timing issue as I will have money in one to two weeks. Than I can get my electricity on and repay the loan at that time.
Can you please let me know where I might be able to inquire for some assistance? Thank you for your time.