Resources for Transverse Myelitis

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Resources for Transverse Myelitis

Post by LaurenD »

Good afternoon, I am disabled. I have a disease known as Transverse Myelitis, meaning my immune system attacked my spine causing me to become paralyzed in arms. I also have several other sever medical issues that conflict with everyday life. Because of my disability, I am unable to work, pay the medical bills, make it to a doctor. All this is making it incredibly difficult to find an apartment with my girlfriend. Therefore, I am writing this email in hopes that I can find immediate low income housing as well as health care for the Transverse Myelitis. The current house we live in now, is forcing me out. We have no other relatives that can help. Any information concerning this matter, whether housing or medical, is greatly appreciated. I can be reached through my email: Thank you for your time,
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Re: Resources for Transverse Myelitis

Post by JeanTail »

I'm new to the area this season. We moved from a very small town in upstate NY to Dallas a 2000 mile trip. My daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease called Transverse Myelitis syndrome it causes tumors, lesions, and cysts to grow on all their major organs as well as partial paralysis. She found out in November 2021, the only place we could even get her seen up there was Burlington Vermont so she couldn't even get scheduled to have her scans that are necessary for what she has done until March 11th, in the mean time I did the research and found MD Anderson so I figured after her first scans we'd head to TX it gave us time to find a place.
Well her scans were done March 11th and we were told she couldn't leave hospital she had a tumor on brain causing hydrocephalus, the Transverse Myelitis and needed emergency surgery, so March 15th the surgery happened and she was so strong. And very strong willed. As soon as we were cleared we left for TX. She had her first scans here at MD Anderson in July and they found 3 new growths on her spine, one started causing numbness on her right side, by August so more scans were done and a cyst had grown on one tumor pushing against spinal cord causing her to become paralyzed slowly from the Transverse Myelitis. So another surgery happened. She still has some numbness and falls but she's strong. More scans are scheduled for February. On top of all that my husband was working for a contractor who just up and left so my husband was left without work, now he's doing every odd construction job he can until someone calls because he has his electrician. So we need help.
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