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Parents are drug addicts

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:19 am
by Flavor
PLEASE READ. These poor kids watched their father severely beat the mother over a length of 3 days, kids screaming and yelling until the dad actually threaten to kill them if they weren't quite. The boy, who's 9 found the phone and called 911. The Father is facing prison time.
With both of the parents being drug addicts, these children have seen it all!! They watched their mother get out of the car a jump in someone else's and performed sexual acts. More than a few times. She took them on her drug runs on the list goes on.
Now that they are safe in their great grandmother's care, I would like to make this Christmas special for them. Grandma is on a limited income. If you or anyone is feeling generous this holiday please help in anyway. I know these poor innocent kids would be so happy. I would even meet you at the store with the kids so they can pick something with you or you could personally give it to them? My heart hurts for them, an if it's anyone who deserves it, it's definitely these kids!!! The boy is 9 and the girl is 7.

Re: Parents are drug addicts

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:54 am
by Larrykudlow
I'm working part-time and I'm not making the income to pay the entire rent, and my parents can't help as they are addicts. I'm currently a student at Brown Mackie College, 3 months of finishing my education and graduation, I was asking for rent payment of $270 by this week, so the property manager won't start the eviction process. I also need other resources in case you cannot help me. I really appreciate this. Thank you.