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I keep running out of money each month

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:27 am
by SeeMe
I am 53 years and I am disabled. The only income I have is my SSI in the amount of $1000.00. I don't get no food stamps each month. I pay my rent on my own, my light bill on my own. I pay my own gas bill and my water bill all on my own. I buy my own food. I just run out of money almost every single month.
My rent is $650.00, my light bill is 2 months pass due. Its $600.00 and my water bill is 2 months $288.00. I don't have no children, no other family. I hope and pray maybe someone somebody could help me this month and in the future, and thank you and God Bless you. I pray someone can help me.

Re: I keep running out of money each month

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:35 pm
by flyboy
In need of rental assistance due to lack of work from taking my 11 years old to doctors’ appointments from her juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I am running out of money to pay the bills due to lack of work. Just had shoulder surgery on August 31st 2018 and still have not received a check from them all. My utilities are getting shut off notices and I am a panic I will lose it all! I am sole provider for both my daughters.

Re: I keep running out of money each month

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:23 pm
by Admin
Well, budget better. And increase your income. As far as other options, find how to apply for government grants, as those can help too. It is often money with a catch, such as they require case management, etc.