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I will volunteer if you pay my water bill

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:47 am
by Wando
I cannot afford my water bill! It is currently shut off. I go to school and work as much as I can and I need assistance! I will volunteer at the Red Cross also for assistance! I will do anything to keep my water on. I can volunteer on the weekends until it is paid off.
Thanks for reading.

Re: I will volunteer if you pay my water bill

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 4:34 pm
by TracMaz
Water help for two months and I already got help from heap but I need help paying the rest of my electric and my water bill and any other bill. I am willing to volunteer in exchange for water bill help. I just started working again and I fell behind and it's getting to hard to make up. I need help asap. I have a pay or quit 3 day and court order if don't pay and I have 2 children please get back to me.