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I was denied cash aid

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:21 am
by BikeRider
I am trying to find help for assistance programs in my area. I already applied through the courthouse but was denied for cash and food as they said my $61 earned income credit put me over the limit. I have been waiting to hear back on childcare assistance for a month now and they haven't contacted me back. They also said I don't qualify for medical assistance or cash aid and I don't understand this as I'm about to lose my house and job because you can't pay for daycare or some of my bills.

Re: I was denied cash aid

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:03 am
by Admin
Unfortunately the limits are not flexible. So even though you make say $61 too much (which doesn't seem like a big deal) the fact is that money makes all the difference. The courthouse can't do anything for you. But maybe we can using our steps and tips when denied public assistance.
BikeRider wrote:I am trying to find help for assistance programs in my area. I already applied through the courthouse but was denied for cash and food as they said my $61 earned income credit put me over the limit.

Re: I was denied cash aid

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:48 am
by Romnee
Hi, I need help getting back on my feet. I have two 17 year old kids that live with relatives because my ex chosen to put his druggy lifestyle before the wellbeing of his family. I apply for cash TANF aid but was denied. I lost my driver’s licenses do to the insurance bill not getting paid. Which in turn we lost our 3 bedrooms brick home with a fenced in yard for my dogs. All of this happened July 7 2017.
I've been trying to do all this by myself but every time I can see light at the end of the tunnel the rug gets jerked from under me. I don't like to ask anybody for help yes I let my pride get in the way. I was raise to work hard for everything I get or want. Was living in my car until it got stolen and wrecked two weeks ago today. Well the friend that was letting me stay in his yard Is moving and wanting someone to take over his lease the rent is 400. Gas run 25-30 summer and 75-80 in the winter and water we on well and they have a lagoon.

Re: I was denied cash aid

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:36 am
by Admin
Sorry to hear that. what state are you in? We have a page dedicated to TANF cash assistance programs, and they can provide information on what to do if denied, the main phone numbers to call for customer support, and other services.
Romnee wrote:I apply for cash TANF aid but was denied.