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Medications and rent

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:02 am
by Aaple
I don't know if you can assist my family or not, we are in desperate need and I don't know where to turn. We moved into a house in Danville Illinois in the middle of October. I started to have heart problems and shortness of breath and ended up being admitted into the hospital. I now take 3 heart medication.
The doctors couldn't find a source of my problems until a week and a half ago. We found out the house we moved into was once a meth lab and was never cleaned up. My daughter who is 15 is now having shortness of breath. When we confronted the landlord and told him we couldn't live in the house in the current condition he told us he was giving us a week to get out or he was serving us with an eviction notice. He will not refund any of our money. Is there someone who can help us get Into a house that is safe for my 2 children, my husband and I? Thank you,

Re: Medications and rent

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:51 am
by Admin
You should look into suing the landlord. They can't do that. There are legal firms in Vermillion County as well as other programs, such as community clinics for your medications. But the good news of course is the doctor found a solution of your condition for you, as health is most important. As far as the local programs, they are here. ... ce_pr.html

Re: Medications and rent

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:56 pm
by Steveo12
Hello, I need emergency assistance in my local area. I am a single mom of 2 children, 9 and 12 year old, and we need medications for them as well as housing. I have a stable job and make about 35 hours per week but not enough to pay my bills and rent.
At this point I have had to give my 30 day notice for my apartment and I am currently looking to move to a more affordable place. I am divorced and have a restraining order against my ex-husband for myself and my family till 2019 for domestic violence. He does not pay child support. I am already receiving food stamps. What I need is to know where or who to call that can tell me what I can apply for in assistance for rental living. Thank you. Also my current zip code is 92706. Orange Californ